
Where and how can I buy PGA or European Tour pin flags that are used in tournaments straight from the course?

by  |  earlier

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How/where can I buy pin flags that have been used in a tournament straight from a course after they have finished instead of buying them on ebay.





  1. you will find that the ones on ebay are not genuine and likely to be copys or bought from the souvenier shop

    when i was a marshal at the 2006 open at hoylake the PGA put out the pin flags and also collected them very quickly

    however that doesnt mean they are not for sale i think they end up at the club the tournament is played at i no in many cases the memrobilia is auctioned off usually for charity at the golf club

    if i was you i would email the PGA ive had replys off them before they are quite nifty goodluck.

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