
Where and how can i safely dispose of old cleaning products that are environmentally harmful?

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i'm trying to switch to a more environmentally friendly household, and i am now using more eco consious cleaning products. my problem is that i don't know how i can dispose of these old products in a way that won't harm the environment. i understand that there might not be a way to do this, but i'd like to find out if there is so i can sleep a little better at night :o) (i'm referring to stuff such as scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner, windex, auto shower cleaner solution, etc)




  1. Open the containers and permit the liquid ones to evaporate You may wish to empty them in a coffee can, do not mix them, and let them evaporate. Dispose of paint this way. Recycle the container if you can.

    Contact your city hall or waste collection company and find out if they have a collection day for toxic chemicals

    Aerosols should be emptied by spraying them into a paper bag and the container wrapped in newspaper and placed in the trash.

  2. Call your city and they will give you information on where to dispose of it or a pick-up number for you to call. No problem. Sweet Dreams......................

  3. hi, there - GREAT question - too bad you weren't around when we started abusing the earth in the very beginning!! i would go on line and check your city's utility site - there are always excellent tips there.  if your city doesn't have a good site, try looking for "Seattle City Light"  - it's got AWESOME environmental information.  thank you for caring!!

  4. The way that makes the best environmental and economic sense is to use it up! If you can't, consider giving the product to a friend or organization that can. Just be sure to keep the product in its original container with the label intact.

    Most household cleaning products are designed to go down the drain as part of normal usage. They are then treated by the same systems that treat other wastes from your home.

    Cleaning products do not typically contain ingredients that would harm the environment in the quantities that are disposed of by households. The vast majority of cleaning products are water soluble and are formulated for safe disposal in either municipal or home wastewater treatment systems. Household hazardous waste programs are intended to handle products that may cause a problem if disposed of by common methods, such as down the drain or in the trash.

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