
Where and how did, "news of your neighborhood come about"?

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or did your family stay to themselves? Our next door neighbor was called,

Miss Busy Brantton. If my Mom wanted to know news of another neighbor, she would go borrow, "sugar, salt, milk," Now, that I think about it, my Mom was over there quite a bit. ;-D

love ya





  1. Most of the news of the neighborhood came from all the neighbors knowing and looking out for each other.  There was another source though, the lady who had a hair salon in her basement.  She knew everything.  Forty years later and she still does hair and knows everything that goes on, but she doesn't exaggerate.

  2. Years ago, people knew their neighbors, looked out for them, and communicated freely what was going on.  Now, people in my neighborhood don't even know their neighbors and never speak.

  3. I think every neighborhood has at least one. We certainly do. And, I worked with guys & they are the worst gossips of all.

  4. We lived in a quiet neighborhood a mile from town. In this neighborhood everyone knew about everyone else. These families had been there for many years including my parents.We lived in my great grandmother's house. If there was any gossipe, I don't know. But everyone seemed like family.   Poppy

  5. i can tell you now that my part of the world did that ages ago. and when the other good people went so did my community. hold on to the nosy old bag next door, she cares.

  6. Hi Randi.  This was an interesting question for me because it's something I struggle with personally.   Growing up my family was (and I still am) the "keep to yourself" type.   In my mind, a good neighbor is someone who is ready with a helping hand if needed, but for the most part, minds their own business.   On the other hand, I suppose you need to be a little bit of a busy body to know that a neighbor may need help.   I don't know the answer, but like I said, I struggle with this.   I really detest gossips and isn't there a fine line between someone showing neighborly concern and someone just being a busy bodied gossip?

  7. When I was growing up, there was a country store, ran by an older man and woman, and it was the definitive clearing house for local gossip and fact about everyone.  If you wanted a credit history, you need not contact equifax, just go to the store and ask Edna,,...The "Who's Who",  "Who's Not", "Who's drunk", "Who's dating Who", and "Who's kids are trouble" was more of a service than selling groceries or hardware...People of the neighborhood were accused, tried, convicted, and their character executed on a daily basis...Many people were innocent, but innocence never got in the way of a good gossiper....

  8. My Mom was the go-to person for news.

  9. My Mom scared the p**p out of everyone in the neighborhood so they kept their distance.

  10. Ours was and still is the local animal feed store. No one rushes away, we all sit and chat to the old guy that runs it. By the time you leave you are up to date on all your friends and what animals/birds they need or have surplus. His partner provides the low down on the female community. Odd that my wife thinks the old girl is a gossip and yet I dont see her rushing away when it's time to leave. The conversation in the truck going home usually starts with" Well, I wouldn't have believed that about Mrs Godfreys daughter."

  11. The Telephone Switch Board Operators.  I kid you not.

    Those were the days and they were the real thing.

    You could hear clicks when they were listening in.

    They all should have been fired, but now it's kind of funny to think about, because we didn't have a newspaper and with them, we didn't need one.


  12. We were on a party line with 16 other people!!!  Need I say more!!  We didn't even have to leave the house....just pick up the phone and listen!

  13. A neighbor use to come over to fill us in.  She said it" was for the good of all of us to know what was going on" LOL I called it gossip and Mom agreed but she wouldn't hurt her feelings . Mom just tried to be in the shower or on the phone when she came over. In fact, I can remember times my mom would take off to the bathroom and step in the shower so I wouldn't have to lie.  Mom would never allow me to do that.Of she's run to the phone and pick it up so I had to say she was on the phone.  Tricky huh ?  I did the same to my kids too.I'd run out the back door, so the kids would say I went out somewhere and they didn't know when I'd be back.

  14. A postman came up our street one morning and asked where Mrs Mc Donald lives. One neighbour told to ask at No5 as she knows everybody and all their business.

  15. I just moved from a neighborhood after eight years. In south central Michigan. My entire life I've never experienced such introverts. I quit saying hello because they wouldn't acknowledge the greeting. Only knew two neighbors at all.

    Now , my new neighborhood, a senior high rise in Colorado, my new next door neighbor after introducing herself, insisted that I hear her tell me all about my neighbors ! She got upset when I said "no thank you, maybe another time." Not once, three times !  

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