
Where and how do i get a degree in archaeology?

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i am just beginning my under grad but i want to be an archaeologist.....what are the requirements and where are the schools




  1. Your question seems a bit vague to me, but hopefully this will be helpful for you.

    Most universities will offer a degree program for either anthropology or archaeology.  If you already know you want to do archaeology professionally, I would recommend looking at major research universities that may provide you with better field schools, more experience in preservation, lab work, and various types of archaeology.  

    One thing to look at is whether or not the university offers a Masters or PhD program in Archaeology -- those schools will have larger programs to help you figure out what kind of archaeology you want to do (prehistoric, native american, colonial, preservation, evolution studies, religious archaeology, etc.).

    Requirements for different programs will vary, but you definitely should take at least one field school while doing your undergrad work (sites like are helpful with this).  Once you know what school you'll be at, there should be some Archaeology Professors who can help you figure out which courses will be most beneficial.

    Where are the schools?  Well, just about everywhere.  If you know what geographic area interests you most, it's easier to narrow down the schools.  For colonial studies, schools in New England and on the East Coast would be ideal.  The University of Chicago has an amazing Oriental Institute.  It all depends on what you want to specialize in.

    You'll also very likely want to go to Graduate School, so keep that in mind too.

  2. I went to the nearby college to do a questionaire or something on what I was best suited for then I picked what I wanted to study. You need to make an appt to see a counselor at the nearest college to where you live; providing you already graduated from hight school and they will guide you on what you need to do first and where to go...........tink

  3. The better question is where will you work after you get it from just about any college around?

    "Do you want fries with that?"

  4. Tulane and Harvard or Vanderbilt University

    My husband's cousin is alumnae of all of the above, has discovered ancient Mayan alters and writes for National Geographic - Arthur DeMarest.

  5. you can get one in one of the united kingdom if at all you can pay 6ooo euro

  6. I am sure you can buy a degree certificate on the internet .I don't think you should waste your time on all those years of study and sitting exams when you could be out  enjoying yourself!

    You don't want to be digging in wet muddy soil breaking your nails . my advice is to find a nice pub overlooking an archaeological dig  and watch in the warmth with a glass of scotch !

  7. Here are a few resources to at least get you startedwith info.

  8. First off, I would suggest a major in anthropology, it will give you a small background in archaeology.  Then you need to go to graduate school, and I would suggest a PhD.  You could get your masters, but most of the masters programs are just the beginning of a PhD program that needs to be completed at a school that offers it.  Check out some graduate schools, and look at their programs.  If they don't specifically have archaeology listed as a program, look under their anthropology program.  Also, start doing some internships if you can find any.  And don't worry about people telling you that you won't find a job.  That's what people keep telling me, but my advisor has assured me that the school will help me find an internship.

  9. Plan on a PhD.  Without it, you won't get work.  I want to go to UT Austin.  They have an awesome MA/PhD program in MesoAmerican Archaeology.  You need to decide what region you want to work in, then start doing research.  Google is our friend.

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