
Where and how to get an abortion?

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if i am pregnant i want to have one,

but don't you have to have someone 18 or older, or is it a requirement to have a parent?




  1. yes you do need a gaurdian. And it costs a lot of money. But do you really want o do this thiers still hope for you and you baby. Thier are place you can go to get help just go on the internet, google: where you liveand pregnacy recource centers they really do help. trust me ive talked to a lot women who have goten abortions they tell me things like thier is not one day that goes by that it does not haunt me and i so regret it, ori feel so guilty i could never ever forgive my self. Thier are options like adoption and maybe giving it to your parents. But for your sake and for your childs sake think this through and know that the choice will change your life forever no matter what you choose. God hand picked you and formed you in you mothers womb and so he does with your child. He loves you, he has a plan and a futuer for you filled with hope and love and joy with the life of your child. He loves you and i love you no matter who you are or what youve done because the bible says that nither hight nor depth nor rulers nor sin not angels or even yourself can seperate you form the love and forgivness of God. He wants you to prosper and loves you NO MATTER WHAT. God bless, and i hope you make the best choice for you and your future, and one others futuer. Love Monique

  2. If you're willing to murder an innocent baby because of your choices you shouldn't be having s*x! Grow up!

  3. The sad thing is that the people that do abortions, just treat it like a business and don't discuss the emotional damage you will suffer and live with likely for the rest of your life.  Also, the fact that you may not be able to have kids afterwards.  People will argue with me and tell me I am wrong, but just do some research and you will find lots of women who later in life regret it because that was their only pregnancy ever.

    Talk to a counselor about how you can make it work, because you absolutely can - you won't regret learning about that side of it, but you would regret if you found out too late that you can live a perfectly normal life even by having a kid in high school.  Most likely, you would do better than those who choose abortion (for a multitude of reasons).  With the right support it will not interfere with finishing school, having a complete family come day as well as a successful career.

  4. abortion is wrong

  5. It is not required to have a someone over 18 with you. However, it is recommended that you have someone there after your procedure is done. After the procedure you feel so weak that all you would want to do is lye down. I suggest that you take someone that will assist you. Good Luck.

  6. Sweetie, I will not tell you that abortion is wrong. But, I will tell you that it is SUCH a huge deal to go through. Please, please go to a crisis pregnancy center, and they can first of all provide a free pregnancy test and tell you about abortion AND adoption AND parenting. Making a decision like this on your own is too tough.... And girl, let me tell you...I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center...and no woman I have ever met has said that they regret having their child, but literally every woman I have met that has had an abortion regrets having it. I have a nine week old baby... got pregnant when I was nineteen, and had to give up a full ride scholarship to a great university and stay home from work... but I would not change my decision for the WHOLE entire world. This baby loves the fact that I gave nine months of pregnancy so that he could have his whole life. I know how scary it is right now, trust can be just absolutely terrifying. But the fact that you are pregnant and get an abortion does not change the fact that you were pregnant. Abortion can be very dangerous to a mother, physically and emotionally...and research studies actually medically prove that babies feel pain STRONGER than adults. Adoption is always a wonderful option...and you could continue on with your life as usual. Please feel free to e-mail me about anything at all...I know you say that you have made your mind up, but no one is ever 100% for an abortion that I have met...

    *Remember honey, that an abortion is not a good solution to a social problem.

    *If women's abdomens were transparent...and they could actually see their tiny little human being inside of them...fewer people would get abortions. Babies actually scream when they are being aborted, and their heartbeats dramatically escalate. As well, the baby will move violently away from the suction of a surgical procedure as they are torn apart, or move violently after a woman takes the abortion pill.


    At just THREE weeks old (a week after conception)...the baby has a heartbeat. At night of conception, the baby has all the DNA coding needed to become an adult ... in other words...that baby already has the DNA coding for blue eyes, blond hair, etc.

    Even if are going to/do get an abortion, you will need someone to talk to... please feel free to e-mail me anytime.

    And, please, PLEASE watch...

  7. it depends on which state you live in. if you call planned parenthood they can answer your questions. you will need to bring someone with you to drive you home afterward because of anesthesia, unless you opt for the non-surgical method.

  8. First of all I would advise you to find out for sure that you are pregnant because you may be worrying yourself needlessly.

    I think laws are different in different countries and states. You can contact planned parenthood or a doctor and they should be able to put you in contact with services. Once you find a clinic you can just ring and ask what the requirements are.

    If you do choose to go ahead with the termination I would advice you to talk to your parents about it so they can support you, it is a pretty full on thing to go through.

    I agree with you wanting to get an education before you have a child. I had a termination so that I would finish my degree, and because I am young, irresponsible and want to live life before I have children.

    I would just like to say that I disagree with Anthony. At the clinic they do talk about the implications, they do talk about future fertility (which is only affected after three abortions) and they are very caring. They also offer counselling so that you can be sure that you are making the right choice for you, the walk you through all your options. At no time are you treated like they just want your money.

    Good luck

  9. Is it required you bring a parent? No.

    Should you bring someone with you? Yes. Many women have complications, end up hemorrhaging, lose a lot of blood, etc. Even if you just bring your best friend, bring someone.

    Call Planned Parenthood and make an appointment.

  10. call planned parenthood and set up a consultation, you will likely need a parent though. They are very professional and understanding when handling abortions.

  11. First of all, you shouldn't be having s*x if your not ready for the responsibility. Second of all, God would have never blessed you with a child if he didn't think you couldn't handle it. I got pregnant when I was 17 and I couldn't be more happier with my little boy. I would seriously think about having an abortion before you go and do it.

  12. not sure on the requirements, call planned parenthood.

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