
Where and on what do you think the NHS wastes money?

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Where and on what do you think the NHS wastes money?




  1. xmas pi'ss-ups for the doctors .

  2. Middle management, there's too many people pushing paper around and chasing targets rather than what really matters which is front end care.

    Also out-sourcing jobs, we never had MRSA, MSSA, C-Diff (and whatever the newest superbug is this week), when the cleaning duties were in-house. And matron ran the wards.

  3. missed appointments, over subscribing, GPs signing sick lines that are not warranted, paperwork  settling lawsuits out of court and encouraging a climate where people  sue.

  4. i agree with the 1st answer also if someone is so depressed or so big they can have liposuction or a gastric band. They even do breast implants!! Abortions also. I have worked for the NHS and they have people for example estate officer that actually hardly do anything and they gget paid 16000 min.

  5. The first two answers are spot on.

  6. I dont like the NHS, They're always cancelling my appointments.

    They should spend it on treatment on paetents, and not on stuff they think they need, which they dont really need!

  7. Too many chiefs and not enough indians, far too many managers and paper pushers and not enough staff on the ground to look after patients and keeping the hospital clean. Bring back Matrons, that's what i say.

  8. pointless managers , line managers ,service mangers , human resource managers , etc etc etc

    there are thousands  of them all with bigger egoes than their own line manager

    these people make up paperwork and change it for something to do , the endless meetings about nothing is also very wasteful

  9. Executives  and  Managers working really hard to try and justify their position and their salaries

  10. IVF, infertility is not an illness. If you can not afford IVF you can not afford a child.

    Edited to say - Just to prove a point, these are the stats for 2007: The total estimated annual costs to the NHS of all IVF babies until their first birthdays were £33,239,595. Although the IVF singletons represented 73% of the total number of live births, they incurred only 46% of the total costs. By contrast, IVF triplets represented only 2% of the total number of live births, but they incurred 10.6% of the total costs.

    Remember in England cancer drugs have been cut due to their cost to try and save money, however IVF is still available. To me this is very wrong! Once more with feeling £33,239,595. so someone can have a baby, come on get a dog!

  11. Can I add my unpapalatable and badly cooked... what a waste. Perhaps not what you meant by waste though

  12. Allowing foreigners to come here to have their babies. The N.H.S. should serve the British people who pay for the service, and stop providing the rest of the world with a service!!!

  13. Too many executive and managers.  Too many glossy reports and consultations.  Not enough on frontline staff and cleaning.

  14. Student nurses

    £50, 000 a year to train them, then no jobs for them when they qualify

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