I wanted a vegetablel garden so I tilled the dirt in my back yard so I could plant vegetables. But I noticed that even though I had lifted a great area of the dirt up it still didn't look like it would allow the vegetables to grow down. So I went and got some of my friends old dirt she had used for her vegetable garden she had used horse manure in hers. I put boards all around the area as if it were a raised bed but the dirt barely reaches the bottom of he board. I need more dirt to fill it up all the way to the top of the board(as if it were a raised be) But I don't know where to get the dirt from. Is just any dirt good? What is compost and fertilizer, are they the same thing- could I use both? My garden needs about 4 yards of dirt. Is compost the same as dirt? I can't make anything my only option is buying what I need, I just don't know what I need. I want a dark brown dirt like the ones they sell in the Miracle Grow bags but I need larger amounts of it, where can I get it?