
Where are 2 places in the UK suitable for producing aluminium and why?

by Guest59200  |  earlier

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Where are 2 places in the UK suitable for producing aluminium and why?




  1. You need water and power to get the aluminum out of the bauxite so I would say a hydroelectric plant close to a bauxite mine

  2. Aluminium, being an element, cannot be 'produced'.


  4. Is this homework?  You should say producing aluminium products or extracting the element... what is the key element in extracting aluminum...if from the bauxite ore, electricity. So you need plenty of power. Any ore containing material comes in  from, the sea to the UK so need a harbour... Go Figure then...

    obviously prime area suggested is S Wales, , it has areas where nuclear and hydro plants are, and has ships from Argentina etc pass first

    Anyway the textbooks cheat: they work backwards from the actual location and impose the answer.Our  textbooks may be out of date... I recall from school they were recycling is now big business and uses only 5% of the energy. This makes it potentially a footloose business, which will follow labour and transport in the future. The actuallocatiojn is based more on historical necessity than present needs therefore. Any  areas would therefore be good ... pool of labour, sufficient dedicated power, e.g. nuclear power, ports.....say Northumberland...ports as well so

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