
Where are Andre Rieu tickets selling in Australia, and having good seats?I don't want a sh*t seat!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want a sh*t seat! Also some European companies are too expensive!




  1. Tickets are available from Ticketek:

    Click on the city you want, and then look for the venue details.  There you'll find a seating plan and can work out the best spot for you.

    Tickets for European acts are very expensive.  But that's due to the costs of bringing them all the way here: musicians; instruments; often electrical equipment; costumes; assistants.  It's not just one person travelling, it costs a fortune for a good act to come to Australia, and they need to recoup that money somehow.


  3. If you're talking about the Telstra Dome concerts u need to go through ticketmaster but i had a look a couple of weeks ago and the Saturday concert was just about sold out and the best seat on the Friday night was up on Level 2 so good luck

    Ticketek are handling the other concerts.

    Hes bringing out a small army and a massive stage so hes never going to be cheap

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