
Where are Morni Hills located ?

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  1. Just five hours drive away from Delhi and 45 km from Chandigarh, Morni in Panchkula district Haryana,

  2. From Chandigarh, you go to Panchkula and then further on towards Nadda Sahib Gurudwara. Along that road which goes to Barwala, Kala Amb, Nahan.... just a little ahead of the Gurudwara is a road going towards left. Indications are there.

  3. India


    around 45 Kms from Chandigarh, India

  5. CHANDIGARH > PANCHKULA > GURDWARA NADA SAHIB > village NADA then hilly area starts and after 2-3 hrs. u'll get to MORNI.

  6. Morni is situated in the Panchkula District of Haryana. This fabulous place, combines recreation, fun and adventure. Morni is the place of ideal beauty, where you will enjoy the peaceful natural environment.

    The village of Morni known as Bhoj Jabial rests on the mountain side at a height of 3600 feet above the sea level. Morni Hills are an outgrowth of Shivalik range, which flow in two parallel ranges. Excursions near by Chandigarh takes you to some of the popular hills in India. According to the traditions the name 'Morni' was given to a Queen who ruled the area. The Morni Hills are located in the lower parts of the 'Shivalik' range. You will need five hours to reach to Delhi while Chandigarh is 45 kilometers away from Morni Hills.

    The Haryana Tourism adds the flavour of joy in comforting the visitors in the Mountain Quail Tourist complex. Guests have the exclusive use of comfort according to their choices. To facilitate yourself you can find more places of accommodations like Lal Munia, which is a forest tourist hut and a PWD rest house.

  7. Morni Hills is located in  Panchkula district of Haryana State in India.


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