
Where are all of my documents and files?

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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My computer is having a problem.

When I just restarted it, I had an error message saying that the user profile could not be loaded because of a missing or corrupted file.

when it loaded, it looked like a new computer. My documents, pictures, EVERYTHING except for what I installed was gone.

I checked my hard disc drive, and it's all still there, somewhere, but I can't figure out how to access it.

Now when I restart it, it goes straight to the "administrator" profile, which is the only one. Hard disc = same size, everything = missing.

How do I get my stuff back?





  1. Try right clicking START and choosing Explore All Users...

    If you don't see your user profile name under all users then everything is probably gone.

    If you do, click your user name and look for My Documents/Music, etc.

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