
Where are all of the ghosts?

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I have listened to people talk about seeing ghosts on TV shows, and full body appartions, etc. like they are as common as cornstalks in a corn field.

Now I assume that ghosts are being formed continuously, since millions of people die weekly, some in horrible agony, etc.

There are millions of camcorders, webcams, digital cameras, and more and more people. The only videos and photos I have seen are obvious fakes, or you have to have a very vivid imagination.

Why isn't there any good video or photos of ghosts? I mean with millions and millions of ghosts walking around and millions of cameras all over the world, why aren't they caught on video?

I mean even the ghosthunter guys who go to the most "haunted" places never get any believable footage of anything that might be a ghost.

Why don't ghost hunting organizations set up webcams where all these apparitions walk around? Or do they?

So where are the ghosts?




  1. Where have you been?There are many real pictures of apparations even predating Photoshop and double exposure imaging.Many documentaries have demonstrated doors opening and closing by themselves, sounds associated with humans when none are visible(i.e.-footsteps, pounding/knocking(even in code)), objects moving, voices recorded on tape even though not heard when initially made, and so on. Where do they reside? In other dimensions or frequencies,akin to more than one radio station and associated radio frequency existing. It has been acknowledged by science that we do not know about all the energy forms that exist, so why not ghosts/spirits?Visit, my website.


  2. in order for an apparition to form, it must use an enormous amount of energy.  some of these ghosts are actually present all the time, but rarely are ever seen...much less picked up by camcorders and cameras..which of course can be VERY frustrating!  I believe in them because i have seen them on two separate occasions and have felt them...but still I wish there was so much more evidence on them that was concrete and believable.  its hard to distinguish hoaxes from reality...(sometimes its too easy!) but go to the Ghost Hunters website, they have a lot of EVP's and some video of ghosts...which are pretty convincing.

  3. I believe that the ghost hunters on TV are so busy debunking ghosts and other phenomena, that they are not in the right state of mind to cause an apparition to appear. I am not saying only whole-hearted believers can witness ghosts but I think the hunter has to have an open mind to allow for the possibility of things to happen.

  4. I think someone should do a study as to why people don't think to take out a camera when they see a full body apparition - maybe because they're scared witless?

    Even seasoned ghost hunters hardly ever get anything worth mentioning on purpose, usually they might get something in a set up shot or reference shot that they can't explain, but the "money" shot never comes out according to plan.

    Only reoccurring phantoms that follow the same routine could possibly be captured, but even then - those haven't successfully made it to film.

    The only way they will ever be captured on film or recorded if someone figures out what they are really made of then the proper equipment can be developed and used to get an "image"

  5. Is it just me or does it seem awfully closed-minded of psiexploration to say ghost sightings are just hallucinations?

  6. Well in some cultures it is believed that the spirits/ghosts with which people have experiences with arent people to begin with. we humans were made out of dirt while they were made of fire. They are just like humans with their own customs and some evil other good. When you pass away you go into a limbo where you'll be awakend at judgement day.

  7. assuming your IQ is higher than your body temperture, most people dont report or tell anything to anyone for fear that dweebs like yourself will have stupid comments like yours for them. What are you the high and the mighty? The final judge of all things. I enjoy many of the skeptics and athiests on this site, but then there are those who think they are so above everyone else. There are those, that while they dont believe, they are respectful of those who do believe. There are a lot of things that science takes as fact that has never been proven, but I am not in that area baiting them. So why come in here and do it? You could be sitting there and get slapped from your chair and you wouldn't admit anything happened because your in complete denial, if ghosts and spirits were real, it would shake up everything you probably believe in. The evidence is there, the photos and videos are there, yet even if there was a video as clear as a cloudless sky, you would deny it. So why bother since your so unyeilding to anything but what you believe in in your own little world. Instead of complaining, why dont you go out with some groups once in a while? Or would you be too scared? Why do scientists, doctors, lawyers, police, firemen, and any number of other professions believe? Why are they out there investigating? Becuse they believe. I would hate to be a scientist in todays world. there is so much discrimination, so much baiting, so much putting down and threats, h**l I would come forward either if I were them. Lord knows, it would be against everything in science to believe in a creator and after physical life!!!

  8. oahu ghost tours in oahu, hawaii

  9. ghost all under ur bed

  10. The web site http://www.haunted-places .com and Shadowlands (link below) list many reportedly haunted places.

    First, I have never heard anybody ever say that seeing a ghost is a daily or common experience in their lives so I'm guessing your statement is either an innocent exaggeration or a purposeful misstatement to support your non belief.

    Second, your assumption is just that an assumption and quite possibly an incorrect one. No one knows what conditions must be fulfilled (types of death, environmental factors, etc.) to have a person return as a ghost/apparition. It would be interesting to take reported ghost cases and see how many common factors could be determined in such cases. However, actual research would have to be done for your assumption to even approach being a reasonable consideration.

    Third, I agree that most photos and videos of reported ghost are suspect at best and today with digital technology and computer editing they are not good evidence. This is why I always use film in my investigations.

    Fourth, pay close attention to this so you can reply: Why aren't there any good videos or photos of dreams? I mean with millions and millions of people dreaming and millions of cameras all over the world why aren't they caught on video?  Are dreams not real human experiences?

    Most (not all) parapsychologist today believe that ghost are not physical (material) manifestation but rather information acquired by non normal means (ESP) and that to process this information the person projects a ghost. This would technically be considered a hallucination albeit one brought on by the acquisition (or processing) of information. To the best of my knowledge no video or photo has ever been recorded of a dream or a hallucination.

    I'm not sure if you actually wanted an answer to your question. Most YA debunkers only wish to have their opinions confirmed.

    However, your question has merit, even if it shows lack of awareness of the current research and theories, so I wanted to provide a real answer for those that might actually wish to hear one.

    I have provided several links below.

  11. Some will say there are no ghosts and that is why. That is a logical assumption. However since I have seen one full body apparition and heard him I know ghosts exist. I am also a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator trained  to use the techniques modern ghost hunters use. I have studied all the material and know all the buzz words etc.

    I am wondering if they can be photographed since they are spirit and not visible to the eye. You would think that out of all the thousands of people hunting ghosts and all the millions of photos someone would photograph them. So either they do not exist which I do not believe or they are beyond the realm of photography which I am beginning to conclude, but have not yet given up on photo evidence just yet.


  12. You have made a fine point, indeed. The obvious answer, of course, to your question is that there are none. Ghosts , by their very definition, do not exist. The Bible is very clear on this point: the dead do not return, nor contact the living in any way. The saved deceased are asleep awaiting their ressurrection at the end of the world; the unrepentant dead are presently awake and residing in an intermediate state of existence awaiting judgement.

    So, what is behind every case of genuine spirit manifestations and/ or hauntings? Again, the bible has the answer: demons also known as fallen angels. God describles them as restless, distressed spirits that go to and fro on the earth seeking rest, preferably in a human body, but find none. Their existence is one of "aridity"--a barren, lifeless, unproductive, vapid, and pointless existence that is profoundly bleek and painful to these sentient and intelligent beings. That is why they will indwell human habitation, or animals, if a suitable human body cannot be found. Haunting homes, and confusing, and terrorizing we humans makes for a more tolerable and less distressing existence.

  13. Maine, Maryland, England etc...

  14. no i dont believe in ghosts.for me, they dont exists..:)) have fun

  15. According to a ghost hunter I've read an article about years ago, using a photo roll of 400 (for outside) inside a home should do the trick. I haven't tried the digital equivalent yet, but will do whenever I manage to get a digital camera.

    However. Do ghosts really have to be visible? Depending on the source you get your information from, ghosts consist of energy. Energy comes in very different forms and only rarely is it ever visible. So the chances of a ghost being visible are logically as rare as energy being visible.

    There are a lot of "ghost hunting organisations" that have webcams set up in certain "haunted" spots. Here is a collection of the most popular ones, but I'm sure that you can find a route to other 'ghost cams' through any of the websites they present.

    My favourite - simply because of the wav files, they're hilarious! - is this one; Nothing ever happens there, though... but still, the wav files are funny.

  16. In your hat !! madcat!!!!

  17. ghost appear to you humans if you are invading them or they want to let you see them ghost are lost spirits. People who died who haven't been given a proper funeral or a murder, crimes they want to seek revenge they haven't rested yet that's why they are lurking in our homes they are everywhere


  19. I don't think there's any ghosts around us. As what the ghost stories are faked, you are d**n right. However, some Chinese ladies have the power to call back the died persons of father, mother, uncle, or girlfriend's spirit to answer your question or to tell you what he or she wants. Many tried before and said the voice of the spirt was exactly resembled or even heard the exact voice of the deceased one.The Chinese named those powerful women as "Asking Rice lady". That's what I do believe as what my mother told me many years ago. She talked to my grandfather with the help of an Asking rice lady in China.

  20. I've started to ask a question similar to this several times..There have to be millions...or billions of people who have why are there so few ghost experiences??!!!!!(and that's not even counting the animals/pets who have died) I do believe that these experiences happen to why don't they happen to everybody??? This should be a really really common thing to happen to people.

  21. Main, Maryland, England.

  22. There is a old cowboy movie, can't think of the name but I have it on DVD and it has 3 orb's chasing each other right a cross the movie frame.  They start off in the background and move right between the 2 guys fighting in the foreground.  And they are white balls of light that never change from out of focus to in focus.  Don't know what they are for sure, but it is strange.  There are a lot of home made ghost videos out there too.  But every one thinks their fake. Also I worked for a video security company and saw lots of unexplainable things on tapes.  Ghost walking around stores and bars after hours.  Most people don't  want people knowing that a restaurants haunted, not good for business.

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