
Where are all of the honey bees going ?

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They seem to be disappearing.





  1. I know!  Scarey right?  I don't think scientists have figured it out, though they have theories ranging from insecticide, pollution, disease, predation ... etc, etc.

  2. Albert Einstein once predicted that if bees were to disappear, man would follow only a few years later.

    That hypothesis could soon be put to the test, as a mysterious condition that has wiped half of the honey bee population the United States over the last 35 years appears to be repeating itself in Europe.

    Experts are at a loss to explain the fall in honey bee populations in America, with fears of that a new disease, the effects of pollution or the increased use of pesticides could be to blame for "colony collapse disorder". From 1971 to 2006 approximately one half of the US honey bee colonies have vanished.

    Experts at the largest honey bee health company in the world, Vita, based in Basingstoke, said the cause was still unknown, and therefore neither was the cure.

  3. The have revolted against the oppressive bee keeper class and are gathering in the woods for the final battle.  

    UP THE HIVE!!!!!!!!!

  4. The honey bee extinctions are a very real and serious problem. There seem to be two factors that are at play. One is poisons and other pesticides. As bees collect pollen from plants they are picking up poisons and bringing them home where it contaminates their food supply. The second and more pervasive problem is that the so called killer bees, which do not produce honey, are infiltrating honey bee colonies, and spoiling the gene pool. Some experts are pointing to other problems in bee ecosystems, but proof of these other claims is sparse at best.

  5. It is called part of the last day scenario.

    GLOBAL FOOD shortage is coming and more....alot more and worse than you can imagine.

  6. I saw a commercial last night about this, saying help the honey bees though I was disappointed the commercial didn't say how I could actually help.... I'd like to...

  7. There is something called colony collapse disorder which is causing bee colonies to diminish at an alarming rate.  Last I heard, they had not found a reason for it.  Beekeepers may be overworking their hives with earlier and earlier pollination seasons, or there may be a virus going around.

    The link below talks about it.

  8. Gone to flowers every one.

    Where have all the flowers gone

    long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone

    long time ago

    Where have all the flowers gone?

    Gone to young girls every one

    When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.

    Where have all the young girls gone long time passing

    where have all the young girls gone long time ago

    where have all the young girls gone?

    Gone to young boys every one.

    Where have all the young boys gone, long time passing

    where have all the young boys gone long time ago?

    where have all the young boys gone? Gone to graveyards every one

    when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.

    I wish the war would end and our young boys and women could come home.

  9. It's like that new movie that's coming out. c**p, what was it called..?

  10. Hades

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