
Where are all the Feminist????

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When Hillary was running for Prez. The Feminist were all over the place, support women. Where are these Feminist now? I do not see any of them taking up for Gov. Palin like they did for Hillary. I mean Geez, If McCain and Palin are elected to Prez and Vice Prez of our great country, this will certainly open the doors wider than ever for a woman to become President.

I guess the feminist are more liberal than they are for sticking up and supporting their own s*x. So Feminist....where are you and why are you not support and taking up for Gov. Palin?




  1. remember your brains are not wholly in your pubes- so if someone doesnt support a woman maybe there are other reasons- women power and brains. Have you forgotten that some women have brains and maybe that is more powering than unwanted pregnancies

  2. I didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Ron Paul because I'm a libertarian. I sort of like Palin but I wouldn't vote for her if she was running for president. Most feminists are liberal and aligned with the Democrats so that may be it. But there are feminists like me who are independent or perhaps Republican but we don't get much press attention.

  3. I wasn't for Hillary just because she was a woman. I supported her for her political beliefs. I'm against almost everything that Palin supports, which is why, despite her being a woman, I don't back her up. We shouldn't vote for candidates because of their race or gender.

  4. you make it sound like any one woman is just like any other woman - I beg to differ.  Hillary supported pro-choice, Sarah's pro-life; Hillary supported g*y rights; Sarah doesn't.  Sarah's a working member of the NRA -a gun fanatic whose belief puts guns in the hands of the thugs running the streets of Oakland CA.  She also believes the environment's up for grabs and for sale to the highest bidder and, she's being investigated for coercion and hang on, because more will soon be revealed...

    Feminists didn't support Hillary merely because she's a woman, they supported her for her beliefs and voting record.

  5. Who cares? As long as there isn't any brainless kooks brainwashing people.

  6. I would never vote for McBush anyway... but I'm certainly not going to support him now just because he picked a woman as a vp running mate.  :: rolls eyes:::

    Apparently you believe women vote with their EYES and not their brains.  Nice.  Glad feminism is changing things.... [sarcasm]

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in PUBLIC schools... just what we need, to further degrade our public school system, As if we don't push through enough educationally challenged idiots as it is...

    Palin believes that birth control should NOT be available, not even for married couples!  Excuse me?  "Protecting the Children" from the evils of condoms is one thing... telling married couples they should not actively PLAN their families??  Oh that's right, Mrs Palin just had ANOTHER baby at 43 years old... nice.  Why does her kid have downs syndrome again?  Oh right... 43 yrs old and still having babies.

    Yeah she's got my vote!  NOT

  7. Because most of us disagree with her. If we politically endorsed everyone in possession of a functioning v****a, we'd love Kay O'Connor, too.

    For the record, I wasn't a huge Hillary fan, either.

  8. I support fully Ms. Palin's right to run for and if elected, be Vice President of the United States.  It does not mean I support her politics.  

    BTW...just stopped by while Rudi is talking because he bores me...I am watching the RNC...A Feminist.

  9. Feminists are roughly 99% bleeding heart liberals.

    There's a few right here. Guess who.

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