
Where are all the Ladies that had babies last winter? ?

by Guest64334  |  earlier

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Haven't eard from you ladies in a long time probably busy with the little ones mine will be nine moths on september 4 doing great. How about you ladies out there? By the way any input on MMR shot?




  1. my baby is now almost 11 months and is now walking. that keeps me busy.  

  2. Hi! My son was born December 27 last year (wow, almost a year already!!!). We're doing well besides a little teething (he's only got the 2 front bottom teeth, which came in at exactly the same time).

    I don't really know what to say about the MMR shot. I do know that when I was in college a few years ago, I wasn't allowed to go until I got an updated MMR shot!

  3. I had my baby on Jan 21st and she just turned 7 months.  She is doing great too, life is good.  What is the MMR shot you mentioned?

  4. My 19mo daughter is doing great, just with a virus as of today :( but overall great, running all over, lots of tantrums, just like any other toddler. She talks a lot now too, her new thing is "thank you mommy" whenever I feed her, change her diaper, etc. It makes my heart melt!

  5. Hey! as of Sept 6th my daughter will be 9 months old and I actually havent been on lately because i started working again and I watch kids in my home. So I get NO break until my husband gets home and by then i like to spend time with him and enjoy whats left of my day. Before i started working i had alot of extra time to be online when my daughter took naps or wanted to play alone without when i have free time i find something i REALLY want to do alone instead of getting online! lol

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