
Where are all the TWWers??

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What day are you on??

Who is going crazy out there??

I have got a baby on the brain and I can't get anything done. 11 dpo today and due on Monday, could this time go any slower. AHHH! Took a test this morning and got a BFN. I want to wait it out until Monday to take another test, but I am going insane waiting. I have only been doing this for four months, I feel so much for the people who have been doing this for years.




  1. I'm here!  I'm at 10DPO, with AF due on the 3rd.  I am considering testing, but I don't want to see nothing! :-)  This is dh and I's first cycle TTC after VR so hoping we get lucky!

    So far, my IPS is:

    Sore b*****s (hurt to go upstairs), Cramping/Pulling feeling, Grouchy/overly emotional, Just feeling different.. but probably all in my head.  Hope we all get BFP's this cycle!

  2. Hi! I am currently 9dpo and going insane! haha! do you have any symptoms? 7 and 8dpo I had AF like cramping which is new for me. it has since gone away though. it also came with a headache and I honestly thought I was getting the flu. my girlfriend just had her baby girl 10 days ago so it makes me want one even more! tons of baby dust to you and everyone else!  

  3. I'm here (almost!) LoL, my TWW starts on Sunday and I'm going nuts already! This is only my second month of trying but it's such a stressful time!

  4. 6 dpo and I have lost my mind: ) I have turned into a boob pusher. Checking to see if they are sore. So hello to all my fellow boob pushing twwers: )

  5. *Waves hand in the air*

    I'm here!  I'm on 5 DPO and not even due for AF until 9/8.  I'm waiting to test until 9/19 though.  

  6. I am only 2 DPO and I'm already eying that HPT but I promised myself I wouldn't touch it until I was a week late...LOL uh yeah right, but I'm trying.

    My girlfriend just had identical twin girls ...oh my gosh they are like little baby dolls! adorable...that got me jones-ing pretty good!

    I think its funny when we weren't trying it was like the month flew by ..."period again?! I JUST had that!"

    LOL now it's the longest 30 days of my life!!

    Good Luck on your TWW! Here's hoping we all get our BFP's this month!  

  7. I'm waiting too.  I'm about 15dpo and due on my period today so far not seen it yet well apart from a little brown tinge of colour when I wipe after going to loo.

    For the last week i've had mild cramping, pelvic pressure - been really achey in the pelvic region when doing things strenuous (such as lifting things,bending over, standing up from sitting), Sore b***s especially my nipples (sorry to be blunt) and i've had what look like milk spots appear around the areola of each breast.  So fingers crossed.

    Knowing my luck it will just be my period coming.

  8. Oh my GOSH!! I completely feel you. I am seriously impatient. I have:

    -tender b*****s (off and on) which are bigger

    -feel swollen all over

    -nausea off and on

    -dizziness a few times

    -EXTREME fatigue

    -AF type cramping. Sometimes more like shooting pains.

    -the list goes on and on....

    Bad thing is, I'm afraid could all be AF symptoms that I have been ignoring all this time when I wasn't TTC.

    My AF is supposedly due tomorrow or Sunday but I have an unpredictable cycle. I tested like 3 or 4 times so far and each time has been a BFN!! :( I am not testing anymore until I am late...haha...just not betting money on that!!

    I hope this is it but if not I'll keep on trying. Good luck to ALL of you and hope you get your BFNs this month!

  9. Hey!

    7 dpo and going crazy!  I promised myself this time I would wait until AF is due before I do a HPT! I done one yesterday which showed a BFN!  I'm soooo silly! But I'm sure everyone on the 2ww would agree that it's tooo hard to wait so long!  I'm sure that everyone assumes that they will be the lucky one who gets a BFP before AF is due!

    I've been TTC for 3 1/2 years now although this is the first 2ww after fertility treatment.  Fingers crossed!!

    Hope everyone TTC gets lucky soon!! """~BaBy DuSt to us all!~"""

  10. I wish I was on 11 DPO but I am only 4 :-(  I am going crazy as well and I am just trying to make myself wait till day 14 before I do my 1st test.  I am totally obsessed right now and I should be getting fired soon because I spend all day at work on the internet looking up baby things!  I already picked names and nursery themes.  I have been TTC for a few months and this cycle I was on Clomid and I had an IUI.  Every twinge I feel I wonder if that is implantation and I have been on a million and one different sights trying to determine the time line for conception and what symptoms I should be feeling.  Baby Dust to You and All of the TWWers!!!!!!!!!!!  

  11. I am hear too!!!  I am on the same schedule as you!  I am due on Monday with AF and this morning I also too a test and got a BFN!  I am going to try to stay busy this weekend so I don't want to take a million more tests lol.  Hopefully I can wait until Monday or even Tuesday to test.  I have been boob pushing all week... but that is because I normally get very sore the week before my period, but I still haven't had anything not even a little bit tender (hopefully thats a good thing).  You'll have to let me know how it turns out on Monday.  Good luck, and mountains of baby dust your way!!!!!!

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