
Where are all the female SCUBA divers?

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Elisabeth, you stated what an AI I had coffee with last night said; that most women want to go do their diving in warm water in Mexico, or the Caribbean, not in the colder waters around here in the midwest.




  1. I am a 20 yr old scuba diver in Australia i have been scuba diving for about 2 and half yrs. its not a sexist sport its just it doesn't appeal to most females (to much effort properly lol), What i did when me and friends went away to Whitsundays for a girlie week end i got them all to do a introduction dive, Now a few are regulars with me. Everyone is pleasant that scuba dives and often tells you of places they have just been, its a great relaxing sport. Good luck with getting some more girls : )

  2. I'm a female scuba instructor in Southern California and my personal experience has been that the ratio in this area of the US is about 5:1 male:female divers. I have friends who do some cave diving on the East Coast in the Florida area and they have all said that in their experience there are many more women involved in the sport there and that the percentage of women to men is much closer to 40/60 or 50/50.

    Interestingly, most of my classes of new students have about 35-40% female students but they don't seem to get as excited about diving or stick with the sport as often as my male students after they are certified unless they have someone to go diving with. A small portion of the female students in my classes are there because they want to learn how to dive so they can accompany a boyfriend. But most seem to be genuinely interested in exploring the underwater world. So I'm not sure why I see fewer female divers at local sites. Anecdotally, I've noticed that women tend to want to travel to vacation sites to do their diving while men are more willing to jump onto a local boat or walk through the surf to dive closer to home. Again, this is not scientific research, it's just personal observation based on my SoCal experience.

  3. I would take you diving hun x

  4. Not sure where ALL the ladies are, I'm one in Wilmington, NC.

    But wherever they are they should check out SCUBAHIDES for

    their tanks.  Talk about adding a little style to your gear...

  5. Hi - Yes, not so many women in the sport.  When I started diving, there wasn't the equipment for women and tanks were havier.  The vests didn't fit right either.  Men seemed more interested in seeing women in the dive suit advertisements than in the dive boat...but there are women divers.  There was a women diver's organization for awhile.  I see about 1 out of 5 divers are female on the boats when I dive these days, where as I used to be the only one.  Women shouldn't dive when pregnant - so there is that - It isn't a sexist sport now - and the men have always been gentlemen when I have been around - so I think it is like so many other male/female issues - women are starting tomake inroads - equipment is changing, advertising is appealing to women as well and we will gradually see an increase in female divers.

  6. errr scuba diving .lol

  7. You do have a point. It's mostly a male dominated sport and there aren't as many females in the mix. If I had to guess, I'd  say that  my first class  was about a 30% female. It just went down from that open water. I recall that there were no females at all in my rescue, same as any commercial course I've done. Matter of fact I know absolutely ZERO female commercial divers and have buddied up with one  Padi Master female , only once in the last 2 years.

  8. i'm one...down in India


  10. Here I am 38 years later and still diving. !  But yes...I was the only girl diver for years that actually dove.  The guys treat u like a pal and I love it. Be glad there aren't any other girls around to interfere. It's great ain't it?

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