
Where are all the good looking non-loser men?

by Guest55937  |  earlier

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it seems like it's harder and harder to find a man who is not only good looking but is also not a loser. i won't go out with a man if i don't find him attractive, and it seems like their either scarce or married these days. or in hollywood. lol i would like to get married, because i'm 27, and in 3 yrs. i'll be 30. another thing is that there are lots of loser men in the world.




  1. I'M HERE

    I'M HERE

    I'M HERE

  2. They don't exist, you'd find a unicorn faster.

  3. apparently...they aren't very attracted to you.  take a look in the mirror, perhaps you're the problem and not the guys

  4. good looking.... non loser,.... in other words he wins? sound like youre looking for me,

    but w/e

    on a serious note, you may be looking in the wrong places, but  what is it youre truely looking for?, word of advice dont marry a hollywood actor or a rich guy, they love their money over all else, these days i havent seen a successful hollywood marriage, even morgan freeman is divorcing,

    yeah yeah poor old guy, had a car wreck while getting his freak on with another woman... a woman his wife didnt know about.

  5. They're hard to find because they're actually working, visiting family, and having real recreational activities.

    Join a club, volunteer at an old folk's home, transfer to another office if you're in a career.

    Do what you can to change your venue.  They're out there, but they are BUSY.

  6. I don't know. My girlfriends and I were just discussing this last weekend. When you find out let us single ladies know!!!!

  7. It depends on your perspective really. See you are looking for these guys. These guys never end up with a girl who FOUND them! These guys find their women. And they are in the market for wife material, and nothing short of that.

    In defense of all the hard working guys out there with a great personality (and what you would define as So-So looking or lower than your standard) - you should NEVER judge a book by it's cover. You will stand to gamble away the greatest love of your life and for what? Dont you want to be with someone whose going to love you through your wrinkles one day??

    Do a little soul searching. One day you'll stand out as the vision the man you are meant to be with was always waiting for.

    Fairytales do come true...

  8. In Texas!

  9. They are hard to find, but out there and single.  Educated hard working men are hard to find.  I found mine, but sorry, not giving him up, he was hard enough to find, and I am almost 30 also.  Don't give up hope.  

  10. My fiend, didn't you get the memo? They are all g*y.....

  11. Shallow people tend to attract each other.

  12. Most of them are out with their boyfriends!!!!

    Hang in will find Mr. Right when you are least expecting it...and it seems the harder you try, the more frustrating it becomes.  Don't think about it and it will just happen.

  13. I'm here, where the h**l are you?

    And hey.....think about it, how much you want a decent guy.  All girls do, which is why they get snatched up right away.

  14. Married or in a committed relationship already, honey.  HAHHAHA.  

  15. If it helps, my husband and I met on the internet. Granted I met a lot of losers online before meeting him, but eventually we found eachother and are now happily married.

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