
Where are all the half human -half monkeys? shouldn't we have these monk-ples if the monkeys evolved into us?

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Where are all the half human -half monkeys? shouldn't we have these monk-ples if the monkeys evolved into us?




  1. Monkeys didn't evolve into humans.  Gaah!  I'm sorry, but if creationists want to keep trying to disprove evolution, you should at least have a working knowledge of evolution.  This has been answered here about a million times.  Monkeys and humans had a common ancestor.  You are not descended from cousin Sue, but the both of you are descended from grandpa Joe.  We have lots of skeletons of species that came between that ancestor and us, though the fossil record isn't complete.  Read up on evolution before you try to disprove it, please, or at least read prior debates on the exact same freakin' subject.

  2. Where have you been Elvira ? The half humans-half monkeys are all around us ! ............... They`re more commonly known as evolutionists . They`ve proved they exist by their theories .

  3. Well, as the other posters already said we did not evolve from monkeys, we are related to monkeys through a common ancestor that both lines came from.  I think your question about half-human half-monkey is referring to species that are in between the common ancestor we share with monkeys and modern humans.  All of these species are called hominids.  Do some research into Australopethicines and species from the Homo genus.  These transitional species existed at one time millions of years ago but eventually changed into something that was better suited for the environment, eventually evolving into humans.

  4. No: It's a genetic factor. Say, a chicken has 13 genetics steps in their line while a duck has , say 17 while the factor is way off, it won't work.

       In the first place were not related to the monkey or any other primate, we have a parallel line with the chimpanzee and have many traits that are the same, this is the only differences between us. Walking up-right, being able to use your hands and opposable digital reflexes, etc, that's about all.

  5. If man evolved from monkeys and apes, then why do we still have monkeys and apes?

    If a parsley farmer loses a lawsuit, do they garnish his wages?

    If a lion eats a clown, will it taste funny?

    If you shoot a mime, do you use a silencer?

  6. Maybe you are one of them. Your question sounds like it may have come from someone with a brain the size of a monkey's.

    Have you ever heard of research? Have you ever read any books on evolution? Have you ever checked out the thousands of legitimate web sites that contain accurate information on the evolution of mankind?

  7. Humans are more closely related to apes than to monkeys.  Try reading a book on the subject.

  8. monkeys did not evolve into humans.  humans and apes and monkeys all evolved from a common ancestor.

  9. I hate to be so contrary to those I generally agree with but the ignorance in evolution seems to be very common in those that agree with it as well as those that don't.  I understand that I also am ignorant in that there if far more I don't understand than I understand.  In fact there was a monkey millions of years ago that lost its tail.  It became an ape.  That ape evolved into a bipedal ape.  That bipedal ape went on eventually to evolve into us.  So we do have a monkey in our ancestry and we do have apes in our ancestry.  We just don't have chimps and gorillas or spider monkeys. The transitional forms were generally replaced by the survivors.  Even if, for example, we had an animal similar to a gibbon in our ancestry.  It would have been twenty million years ago and that animal would have evolved somewhat in that time.  It could be that an animal substantially similar to a gibbon lived throughout that time but it is doubtful.

  10. wrong. our species and monkies/apes evolved from a common ancestor and branched out seperatly on the evolutionary tree. we each fill our own ecological niche so we both continued to evolve and exist today.

  11. first of all what ur emplying is some religiouse c**p that im rele tired of hearing...

    second of all if you ever payed attention in Biology class then you would realize that we DID NOT evolve from monkeys.

    The Truth is that we share a common ancestor so that explains why primates and ourselves are the few that have useable thumbs and the fact of our tail bones

    p.s. dont wrry im not being rude 2 you, just the people telling you that we evolved from monkeys

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