
Where are all these people going?

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OK, they are evacuating New Orleans by bus, plane whatever, which I think is a great idea..but where are all these people who are going to another state going to live?

Assuming they have no relatives in Texas and they are brought there..what then? Do they stay in hotels, motels..and what about food in these places? Does the government pay for their meals and motel hotel rooms?




  1. Just checked the tags at the hotels here in southern alabama and its packed. Andalusia, Al.  

  2. Different places. The shelters in Shreveport, LA are already full, the Civic Center in Monroe, LA is expected to be full, after that I'm not sure.  

  3. There are shelters opened in various states for these people.  They also have relatives in other states.  Churches in the surrounding states also open their rec. halls, parish halls, etc.  After the hurricane, all types of things happen.  After Katrina, our school took in about 25 students.  Families can get government assistance, as could you if you were ever in a disaster situation.  Some families are placed in motels.  All types of disaster relief groups help out.  After Katrina the National Guard was handing out ice, MRE's, water.  These are just a few of the answers to your question.

  4. They should spend their own money for hotel/motel and then based on the damage apply for assistance.  Those with no money or means of transportation were asked to dial 311 where their evacuation would be handled for them.

  5. Here in Longview, Texas (east Texas) as well as other towns in the area, have shelters set up by the Red Cross, local churches, etc. and they are full to capacity.  Most of the evacuees are from southern Louisiana and southeast Texas and came here by bus or private car.  In Texas, there is now a program set up where certain hurricane-prone counties (to the south) have been pre-assigned to an evacuation destination city to keep it more organized.  We have people here from Liberty County, Texas.  They are being housed and fed at a large civic center and also at some churches.  The government (FEMA) reimburses the city and the churches for the costs.  Other than that, people have also driven here in their own vehicles and all the hotels are full and they are also staying with relatives who live here.  Of course, those people are not indigent so they are paying their own costs.  

    In the case of Katrina and Rita where many didn't have homes to go back to, they stayed for a long time in our shelters until they got a FEMA trailer or some other arrangements were made.  The govt. even paid for their hotel rooms.  Many churches helped out as well, but they were reimbursed by the govt.

  6. People who are being evacuated by the government are being helped because they are low income, have no means of travel, are elderly (also all patients in nursing homes and hospitals), or need assistance of some sort.

    These people will go to shelters and other areas that will house them for the duration of the storm and until it is safe for them to return to La.

    Much of the room/food are donated.

    If they had money, they wouldn't be evacuating through government assistance.

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