
Where are all those people who were going to say"I told you so"?You know, the people who did not support Obama

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and are now eating crow, and will be eating crow again in about five months when McCain loses badly.




  1. I'm right here.  I supported Hillary throughout and will sit out the GE unless a 3rd party candidate will be appealing enough.

  2. I did not support Obama and as of now still do not plan to support him in the future either. Not sure who I will support since the Florida debauchery.   I was not one of the"I told you so" crowd and I do not know anyone that ever said that or acted that way.  It is too bad that someone got in your face like that.

  3. I do not know where they are.  As a black man, I originally supported Hillary Clinton in her quest for the White House.  The election remains undecided at present, and we are a long way from November, when hopefully the Democratic party prevails.  So now is not the time to gloat.  

    The night is young.

  4. uhh- here I am...

  5. They may be  crossing party lines.

  6. Eating crow???? Wow never heard that one.

    Um... I was a Hillary supporter but obviously that aint gonna happen. Then I decided I would just not vote this year because I don't like Obama or McCain.  Then Obama came to Saint Paul, MN last night for his victory speech, and I gotta tell ya his words really moved me. And I will vote for him now,

    still hoping he chooses Hillary as his running mate, but he probably won't since she has been such a bitc-h to him.

  7. Shhh, you're supposed to be playing nice. Behave!

  8. I'm not too sure McCain will lose. Don't get so cocky.

    I think it will be a close race. McCain has one foot in the grave and is "liberal" on many issues. This can draw out racist white Democrats away from Obama as well as old people who also have one foot in the grave. Still, Obama has the advantage of the female and minority vote.

    Time will tell. I'm not crazy about either of them so I really don't care who wins.

  9. I would vote for Obama, but I'm 16. McCain will win though. Christians pretty much rule the vote thing. It sucks.

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