
Where are all you rugby fans from?

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Well, these last few weeks have been fun interacting with other rugby fans from all over and I have gotten used to certain individuals faithfully responding to questions regarding the sport and the event.

So just a question to all of you: Where are you from and who do you support?

(Me) USA - South Africa




  1. Oz, wallaby fan. Boo hoo.

    I think the roast beef will win tommorrow.

  2. I am from South Africa and supporting be best team in the world. South Africa.

  3. new zealand, home of speights "pride of the south"

  4. Me (SA) South Afrika.

  5. I'm originally from England, now living in Australia, which makes me a very proud Argentina fan.

  6. I am British living in Melbourne.Ihope that England can kick some ------ tonight well it will be early morning here.

  7. from NZ support South Africa


    May the BEST Team WINS!

    Good Luck to the 4 Teams!!!

  9. Singapore, and I support the All Blacks!

  10. They're all up here in England!

  11. I'll be supporting Argentina - They won a FIFA World Cup in 1986 against England with 'the hand of God and head of Maradona'. Let's hope they can pull something like that off again. South Africa would be my second choice. I could never support England so in that match even though France beat the All Blacks in the quarter finals, I a kiwi would have to back them.

  12. NZ (yes, I have gotten overthe loss! :))

    Support the ABs, Auckland and the Auckland Blues.

  13. Im from New Zealand - I support the All Blacks but since they're out I will be supporting the Springboks to take the World Cup.

    Hibernia78, I knew you supported the Boks and you also speak highly of Chabal..I thought you were maybe a French South African perhaps =P...but I did not know you're from the States..'So how about dem cowboys?'!  Nah, you're awesome mate, you are a great asset to Yahoo answers =)

  14. I live in the USA....and I must say I have a lot of respect for this sport.  Its not easy for me to follow it since I lack the only TV Channel to catch any games (Setanta) and I had Fox Sports World to catch the Tri Nations .....but that ended once that channel converted to only Football.

    Good Luck to the 4 Semifinalist.

  15. South Africa and SOUTH AFRICA BABY!! YEAH!!!

  16. well blow me a f****ing way and we been coping flack from a namby pamby mommys boy hahahahaha man u crack me up! good on ya hibernia78 you've just made my day!!!!!

    NZ - ABs lol

  17. I am from South Africa, now living in the USA.  I havent been home in 16 years and my love for the Springboks has never wavered.  As much as I love my adopted Country, in my heart of hearts, I am and always will be a Springbok chick.  I love my boys!

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