
Where are hydrogen powered cars used ( mainly)?

by Guest66958  |  earlier

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where are hydrogen powered cars used




  1. I'm glad you asked this because I am the guy who recently asked "Why are we trying to develop hydrogen cars?"   Now I have a chance to respond to my answers.  Several of you missed the point - that hydrogen vehicles are not COMMERCIALLY feasible.  Sure, a few people are being permitted to lease hydrogen cars for $600 per month, but the actual cost to run them is probably $6,000 per month.  They are not commercially feasible, and they won't be for several generations.  Hybrid vehicle technology is developing rapidly and commercially feasible pure electrics are just several years away.  As far as using petroleum to make electricity, electric vehicles are much more efficient at using energy than internal combustion vehicles.  In addition, clean coal technology is being developed for power plants, and the US has enough coal to power the nation for 1,000 years.

  2. None. Any such cars are just prototypes. That is because hydrogen is hard to store and there is no natural source of hydrogen in the world to use for fuel. Making hydrogen by splitting water with electricity takes more energy to generate the electricity that you get by burning the hydrogen, so it is better just to make battery electric cars.

  3. hydrogen Cars are not yet used, they are at the experimental phase, a little behind hybrids or electric cars.

  4. Iceland is currently changing to a hydrogen based economy. They started with the city buses in Reykjavik and then the delivery trucks. Most of the country uses hydrogen powered vehicles now.

  5. The automakers are experimenting with them.  GM is making some Chevy Equinox hybrid-electrics with fuel cells.  

    However they're a futile technology.  You have to make the hydrogen from electricity, which largely still comes from fossil energy sources.  Effectively you're using hydrogen to store electricity, in other words as a dreadfully inefficient battery :(

    Batteries can be made to recharge just as quick as  a hydrogen refill, but the real advantage is you can refill a battery anywhere.  

    And think safety, I for one would rather have a car full of batteries than a 10,000 PSI hydrogen tank.

  6. My understanding is most are prototypes being tested. If the cost of fossil fuels increase a lot and the H2 research finds ways to ues it at less cost, then it may become a viable alternative. I hope so.

  7. There are a few hydrogen buses but Don' ever plan on buying a Hydroegn Car. They are extermly impartical and the process is evr inefficent

  8. NO WHERE,


  9. NASA shuttle is liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen ,very powerful .

  10. GM is releasing a new Chevy Equinox that runs completely off of hydrogen fuel.  These cars are being released sparingly throughout the next three years to lucky people in New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles.  This are the only cities that I know of because there are pretty much no other hydrogen powered cars that have been released by other car companies.  These cars are being released to have actual "real time" testing to try to get rid of as many bugs as possible by the time the actual cars are released in 2011.

  11. I could be wrong but I think HONDA is releasing one but only in California where the stations for filling it will be... it wont be able to run in cold environments....

  12. Only where there are hydrogen refueling stations.

    They are not yet in commercial use.  They say that they won't be for around another 10 years.  Honda is releasing in 2008 its FCX to a limited amount of customers for trial.  They will lease it for $600 a month and you will need to be eligible.

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