
Where are my cats? please HELP

by  |  earlier

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My cats went out early tues morning and have not come back.

They love there food and are always back for meals and at night, but are nowhere to be seen. what makes it stranger is that all three are gone, and it includes a mother, father and 6 month old kitten.

I'm going mad with worry i have looked all over, asked neighbour's and reported them missing.

What do i do now? where could they be, stolen, lost, killed? please help!




  1. It is unlikely something happened to all three.....they must be on an adventure and i am sure they will be back

  2. You could check the local pound and humane society. Posters with your contact info and a picture of your cats could let a neighbor know they belong to you if they took them in thinking they were strays.

  3. Hopefully your cats will return unharmed.

    However, you complain about your neighbors dogs running loose ... but aren't your cats loose as well? And obviously they aren't spayed or neutered!

    That doesn't make you a better owner as your cats are able to go into other people's yards, use their flower gardens as a litter box, kill wild birds.

    I truly hope your cats come home safe and sound with no harm coming to them. But please consider having your pets spayed and neutered, not only does it extend their life and reduce their risk of certain cancers, it also reduces their urge to roam from home.  

  4. they are probably on an adventure or someone got nurves and saw them walking around and picked them up you never know...

  5. it could be possible that if they are outside with proper tags of some kind, that a good sumaritan picked them up and is either keeping them or turned them into the vet or shelter.  Try putting up posters and calling or visiting local shelters.

  6. Many times cats will be gone for more than a day, but if it's more than 2 days you may want to put up signs and an ad on craigslist. Then walk all the streets within a half-mile or so of your house and call them (you don't have to yell - if they're anywhere near they'll hear you).

    If you moved in the last six months or so and your old house is less than 5 miles away, you may want to go check there.

    Call the local animal control and describe your pets - generally animal control will not pick up cats unless asked to, but you never know.

    Lastly (and this happened to me once), MAKE SURE to check anyplace where you might have gone in, even just for a minute, and locked the door behind you, like a garage, closet, basement, etc. I accidentally locked my cat in the garage and spent 3 days going crazy looking for her (she was fine, by the way, but very happy to be out of the garage).

    P.S. It's always possible something bad happened, and I always think the worst, but like the other posters, I think it would be very unlikely that it happened to all three. I think they all just wandered off together and will come back together.

  7. If all three have gone its likely they've jus gone off exploring and teaching the kitten how to survive.

    I like the fact that you have kept the family together though, its so rare for the kittens to grow up with their parents now :)

    I wouldn't worry too much, though I kno its hard not to. Make sure you leave food and water outside for them incase they are coming back at night or when you're not around and so they kno that there is food there.

    This may attract other cats/mice, etc so am warning you now lol

    Honestly, don't worry. We loves cats because they're independent, they will be Ok. the chance of all of them being hurt or injured are very slim and if one had, the llikelinessof it is that they would come home because there they kno its safe.

    I hope they return home safely soon hun, but don't stress too much.  

  8. I'm not psychic but, I saw an alley.  Try looking down any alleys.

    One thing they are close and they are safe!

    They will come back when they are hungry

  9. Get in contact with your local Cats Protection League branch. They receive details of many lost and found cats every month and keep a list and a look out. They also trap colony cats en masse for neutering especially around farmland which may be another possible explanation. Give them a ring they will certainly be aware if other owners cats are going missing together.

    will find you your local branch or the national HQ is 01403 221900/221919

  10. I hope they come back! It sounds like they have just gone off together i mean how unlikely would it be for all 3 to have been hit by a car or whatever all in the one day? are they micro chipped? Dont worry they will come home looking for their dinner soon enough!

  11. They've probably found a rat hole and are enjoying hunting. Unless you're in Bridgewater, where there have been a number of cat poisonings, I think it's most unlikely that something untoward has happened.

    The social structure of cat colonies is that they live together but hunt independently. They are probably in three separate places.

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