
Where are places in michigan that you can work when your 14?

by  |  earlier

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in the ann arbor area and im a girl so it can be something a guy world only like




  1. Karen,

    I suggest looking on the State of Michigan website below.

    I believe a work permit can be obtained from your school (might be administrative offices)  There are certain jobs no minor can perform, that might help limit your search.

    I suggest trying to find employment in something you've an interest in or do for a hobby.

    Added:  I just ran across this for another question. Someone looking to recycle.  This may be a possibility, but would require someone over 18 to assist.  You can search for recycling centers on this website

  2. Maybe try to find a babysitting job? Most companies won't hire someone who's 14 as they have to follow a lot of restrictions. You could also try a family owned greenhouse or such.

  3. Bonded by love Inter. Ministries

    Favor aint fair Project for youth for further info feel free to call; Pastor Ron L Toliver and tell him Minister Yancey refered you to the Program. God Bless you.

  4. doing farm work, mowing lawns or lawn care , walking dogs, washing/ detailing cars for neighbors.  most places will not hire under 16 due to child labor laws.

  5. Construction companies always need laborers.

  6. Macdonald or burger king something like that but is going to be difficult because its illegal to employ minors of age unless is part time and if you are studying. Good luck..

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