
Where are snakes usually found??

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I was just curious on where snakes could be found. I'm interested in them and would like to get a closer look at them. So what are some places that snakes are usually found at or if possible, what are some things that lures snakes to a small yard? Also consider that the place is South Carolina and doesn't have any forests around.




  1. A lot of snakes like to seek cool damp areas - under wood piles, or leaves or anywhere near water.  Good Luck.

  2. under rocks

  3. In the zoo , thats a good place to start.

  4. well i would look under rocks and maybe by a creek some times u can find hole in the ground and thats were the live.....becareful have fun:)

  5. long grass??

  6. there usually found in africa. africa has many species of snakes. the anaconda for example is one of them. also they are found in us. there are tons in my backyard coral,copperhead(not livin in this state),rat all kinds of em.

  7. Um snake holes? Forests. Sometimes in houses by the mountains or something or houses by a hill. But you should get close, they could bite!

  8. i dont know if yo can "lure" in a snake.  check under larger rocks and large bushes or maybe if there is hole or something in the ground

  9. in wooded areas.. Jungles..


  11. wood piles, underbrush and rocks, hold the phone...why would you want to lure snakes into your yard.....?

  12. rocky areas and or swamps or lakes try fields near water with tons of rosck they love warming up on them or hiding under them

  13. Snakes can be found anywhere, even flat lands. like deserts

  14. They are usually found in forest preserves.Depending on what state you live in you can find one in your backyard.

  15. in cool places

    sometimes in flowerbeds ..

    or somewhere thats rarly messd upon

    mostly in dark cool shady areas..

  16. well if you have no forests around,

    it's quite unlikely to find a snake.

    try going to a forest.

    or a park.

  17. mostly near swampy areas or by a ditch where there is tall grass.

  18. Wood Piles,Weeds,Dirt Piles,Under Rocks,By Water,Rocks,Under Leaves,Trees,Under Houses,Dirt Roads,Under Water,Beaches,High Grass,Holes,Snakes Are Every were You Just Have To Open Your Eyes.

    Good Luck.:)

  19. in your ***

  20. usually near water.  Grassy areas where they can be hidin.  They will try to go under places like a trash can lid that never moves or rocks.

  21. snakes will live ANYWHERE as long as there is food & water!! in a garden, up a tree, under rocks, under fences, in logs, under logs, in long grass, near ponds & streams, in he sea, in cities, down stares in my house, in my hand at this very moment. snakes can live anywhere! although i would recommend going to a zoo, you have less chance of getting bitten  & they can tell you loads about them=^]

  22. near trash cans. they come there to have food like rats, cockroach, some times cats

  23. there everywhere

  24. uh...try the zoo.

  25. Wood/forest like areas. Hiding in large rocks and under leaves?

    I'd be careful though, you don't want to lure a snake that is poisonous and could harm you if you were to get to close.

    Especially if you own a pet like a cat or dog that goes outside. Or yourself for that matter.

    Anyways goodluck on your snake hunt!

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