
Where are some beautiful walks in Tassie?

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We are nature buffs and love to enjoy the fresh air. Where in Tassie can we do some walks? We will be travelling around Tassie by car so ideas all over Tassie would be helpful




  1. Mt Wellington is a great walk then after getting to the top you can see that Tassie really is very beautiful. Being nature buffs you might like to check out Richmond, its great as its the oldest town in Tassie so its very history orientated and the ghost tours tell you of the old days and convicts etc. At Launceston there is a place called The Gauge, if you go on the chair lifts you can see the whole landscape.

  2. I used to live up the road from Liffey Falls in the north near Launceston, and at the Liffey State Reserve leading to the falls there are a few walks you can do that are really great.  The surrouding area is beautiful and the forest through which you walk to eventually access the falls is full of huge ferns and mosses and the path is at times flanked by little bodies of running water.  It is so lovely and lush!  There is also a lot of wildlife around that area and if you go at a quiet time it is very nice.  

    Also, as you are driving around the state, then if you can I would suggest going over to the north-east.  It is one of the loveliest places on earth!  :-)  A walk to do in this area is at St. Columba Falls State Reserve, and if you go along the Tasman Highway you will be able to see a great quantity of beautiful trees along the way, including ancient myrtles.  

    I'm sorry that this is so insufficient and that I cannot offer you a wider range of walking options, but there are so many readily available in Tasmania that I am sure you will have no trouble accessing them.  National parks are practically abundant, and even though it appears small Tasmania offers such a variety of landscapes.   (And if you want real wilderness then I guess the south-west is one of the best ideas!)  Also there are a lot of nice quiet places that never seem to be overrun with people even during times when one might expect them to be.

    Good luck, and I hope you have a really great time!

  3. Mt Field Russell Falls!! The weather wasn't so good, but it was brilliant.  I could lose 3 kilos when i came back.... have fun!!

  4. Cradel Mountain

  5. The Port Arthur/Frecinet reigon has some beautiful walks, if you're down that way check out the Coal Mines historic site at Lime bay, no cost bushwalk around convict ruins, with some very creepy solitary confinement cells, it's little known, top local tip :)

  6. Tassie is a great place for walking, there are heaps of really good short walks you can do all over the state.  You can download a guide to these here -

    Some of my personal favourites include -

    Mt Field Russell Falls (90 mins west of Hobart) - lush green rainforest type walk to a beautiful waterfall.

    Wineglass Bay Lookout on the Freycinet Peninsula - Wineglass Bay has previously been voted as one the top 10 beaches in the world!

    Dove Lake Circuit at Cradle Mountain - also a few other short walks in this national park aswell.

    Tasman Coastal Trail (or parts of it) on the Tasman Peninsula - dramatic scenery along this walk with some of the tallest sea cliffs in Australia

    Bay of Fires in northeast Tasmania - heaps of wildlife and pure white sandy beaches, turquoise sea.

    Tassie also has some great multi-day walks if you are looking  to challenge yourselves.  

    The famous Overland Track through Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Parks takes about 6 days.

    The Southwest Track through the southwest wilderness area takes about 9 days.

    More info on these can be found in this brochure -

    Hope this helps!

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