
Where are some great pubs in Dublin, Ireland? I know there are a lot.?

by Guest60965  |  earlier

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I am taking a much needed alone vacation to Dublin at the beginning of August and would like to know some great pubs in the city center if possible to drink my vacation. Thanks to all of those who respond. I would love to have some responses from our friends from Ireland who would know it best. Thanks again.




  1. The best craic is definitly down in Temple Bar, there's loads of pubs there, your bound to find your perfect place. It's really a good place to just be carefree.

    Have fun!

    Johny Fox's pub up in the Dublin mountains is very folkloric aswell, you have to go!

    Leopardstown in is out of the city a bit, in south has the only revolving bar in Ireland, it's fun there too.

    It would be great if you went to a pub some time when there was a rugby match on or something, it's just amazing, other countries don't do it like us.

  2. O'Neills is great, but if your tour around Temple Bar, there are plenty of places where you can get a good drink  :)

  3. There are some in Temple bar- but you would have to pay nearly  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚‚¬5 for a drink!

  4. The Old Stand in Wicklow Street is a good place for lunch and a pint.  Then if you want a bit of craic the oldest put in

    Dublin namely the Stags Head near ChristChurch keep an

    eye on the wallet its an old area.  Finally check out Johnny

    Foxes in the Dublin Mountains its great, music, friends and

    craic! its not far out.  P>S> You have to visit Guinness Brewery, where the pint started.

  5. Plenty around the temple Bar and "The kitchen" is awsome too and its owned by the band U2.

  6. Why go to just one pub when you can go to loads?

    You really dont need our advice on pubs tho, literally just walk 5 seconds til you find one you like, if you are into specific music or whatnot then you need to mention, otherwise for trad Irish pub they are all great!!

    Try Temple Bar somewhere tho!

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