
Where are some spots you can draw blood from?

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I have a book character who has been taking blood samples from himself every week or so for about eight months. Is this possible, or is this too often? (He's a scientist, so it's not like a doctor is advising him, although he does have some idea what he's doing). Where would the usual blood-taking sites be, and are there some other sites he could be hitting up now because those sites are wearing out? I'd like to show him taking blood from an unusual site b/c the normal ones in his arms are worn out. What would some of those unusual sites be? THANKS.




  1. I have patients who have to get blood drawn every week. It's not too often, its actually quite common.

    Typically you start looking at the crease where your arms bends by your elbow (your antecubital, or AC) If not there, you can get it from the veins on top of your hands, veins on your fingers, wrists, forearms, feet, ankles, legs, neck. On babies, you can get it from the veins on their heads, but those are usually veins used for IVs for giving medicines. The top of the hand is the next best place to look.

    This isnt really a good idea though. He is going to need those veins alot when he gets older, and if he continues to draw, they will be so scarred with scar tissue and of no use (like the ones in his arms) DO NOT go in the neck without a nurse or doctor doing it. If you hit an artery instead of a vein, its bad news.

  2. I've gotten blood out of veins in the arms, hands, legs, feet, groin (femoral vein) and neck (internal or external jugular).  Any place that a vein pops up is fair game.

  3. I'm not sure what you mean by "worn out." If the punctures heal, he could continue to draw blood from there. It depends on the amount of blood drawn. Normal human blood volume is about four or five liters.

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