
Where are the Jewish users ? it is been a while that I haven't seen one ? ?

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Where are the Jewish users ? it is been a while that I haven't seen one ? ?




  1. We're here. :-) Do you need something?


  2. We're here.  Hi!

  3. Yep, I don't think some of us have been around much for the past two weeks or so!

    But there are still a few of us around.....! :)


    Haven't seen you guys much lately, hope all going well with you :)

    TO THE ASKER ***************

    We're missing some regulars from the 'tribe', such as:

    Mark S


    Ambivalent Bittern

    Angels have the phone box




    Mz Rahi

    Michelle R

    - they are around though, I've seen them answering this week :)

    Thank you for asking after us :)

    Shalom :)

  4. I am here. I come and go, in and out. I sometimes have a lot of time to kill and sometimes none.

    I see many of "the tribe" already beat me here. I am so slow.

    Was there something you wanted from one of us? LOL

  5. Actually, I've never seen an answer which I could distinguish as Jewish.

    Most are either xtians or atheists with muslims and agnostics mixed in the bunch.

    Edit: what's with the thumbs down? I just said that what I see most are the 4 mentioned and I've never actually seen a jew answering (probably have but didn't know it)

  6. they are here

  7. I've missed them D8

  8. I'm here sometimes when I can steel myself for the ignorance, hostility and arrogance that is rampant through R&S.  But I'm also here for the articulate and educated posters who can think clearly and critically.  I'm also here because I believe that pragmatism is the best policy and ideology is divisive and counter-productive.

  9. There are plenty of Jewish users here, me for one, just check Judaism oriented topics and you will see.

  10. We're still here.  One of these days we'll get a life!


  11. They're around.  They tend to keep pretty quiet.  So much so I often beat them to answering questions about Judaism though I'm actually an atheist (but AM a little educated about the topic and attend synagogue regularly).

    They'll probably swing by though since you've called to them specifically.

  12. What is a Jewish user?

    I like to answer questions on R&S, and I'm Jewish - would that make me a "user"?

  13. Most of us are here 6 days a week but we are still here so hope to see you around.

  14. Here for as long as the wind blows, grass grows and the sky is blue.

  15. The reason the jews are in the background, is becuase they are so unhostile, compared to a lot of the other mobs here.

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