
Where are the Liberals over a muslem woman being told to remove her head scarf?

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1 paragraph on page 4 of the New York Times. Very little of it on tv. If Mccain had done that it would be on every headline and we'd still be hearing about it. ABC news would be polling everybody in the country to find out what they thought of it (just to make sure everybody knew)




  1. Did she take it off? They should have tased her.

  2. Here is a thought since the person was told to remove the headscarf then a boycott of Mc Donald's as it represents Western culture could then challenge double standards.

    Mc Donalds is free to impose it's image but others do not have the choice to use their own images.

  3. Are you talking about the Muslim "supporters" who were seated behind Obama and asked to move? You know that had to be a set-up from the getgo.  Can you imagine the front page of papers all over with Obama framed by two women wearing  hijabs?

    McCain hasn't been called a Muslim by every redneck in America based on his middle name so it would be meaningless for McCain to do the same thing.

  4. I imagine that the Liberals are at home, along with everyone else, worrying about bigger problems than someone having to remove a scarf.

  5. Obamanations supporters are so lame that if a Catholic woman had her head covered they would freak and demand she not be included in any background pics with Barry O.! And you're right we would still be hearing about it if McCain did something equivalent! It's further proof that the media is being selective how it covers each candidate!

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