
Where are the Senators and why are they allowed to never come to work?

by  |  earlier

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I stopped on C-SPAN today and they were supposed to be voting on something. The woman called off the names of the senators and like 10 of them were actually there. What the heck?! They get elected and then never come to work. This should not be allowed and more people should be upset about it. They could care less about serving their country. It's about being famous and having power.




  1. since everything they do is bad, this is a good thing

  2. This is because the voters are not keeping an eye on them. When you consider that generally less than 40% of the US voting population actually bothers voting in congressional elections that definitely shows a serious and disturbing lack of interest. And to anyone not familiar with politics their staff does all of the work: the politicians are mostly just figureheads. Senators spend more time attending fundraisers or going on vacations funded by big lobbyists than actually doing that which they were elected to do.

  3. They'll be back in Ottowa this October, don't worry.

  4. Democracy!!

  5. Probably even less are there regularly.  I was in the House one evening while on vacation in DC.  I went to the Public Gallery and sat down.  Each Congressman spoke like the entire place was full, except it wasn't, there was me, my wife, about 3 other observers, a couple of pages, the speaker, and... the C-SPAN cameras.

  6. They could be in conference, at a committee meeting, in their home state meeting with constituents, etc.  Just b/c they are not voting does not mean they are not working.

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