
Where are the best 'must go places' in Italy?

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Hey! I'm studying in Florence right now. I've gone to Cinque Terre, Ravenna, Siena and Pisa (and all through Florence)-- any other recommendations? I'm huge on the classics, religion, history and anything picturesque.




  1. You must check out Venice... Its got everything you're looking for.

    My friends pretty much had to kidnap me to get me to leave!

  2. Where else? The answer is very simple : ROME, ROME and ROME. Don't you know that all ways are going to Rome?

  3. You are getting some good suggestions. I lived in Italy for a year and enjoyed finding some of the smaller towns. One of my favorites was Cremona, Stradivarius' home. There is a small violin museum there and if you go on the right day, there is someone who goes and plays all of the original violins. Have an awesome time.

  4. So, you are in can visit following towns in Tuscany:

    Arezzo -

    Cortona -

    Volterra -

    and of course Lucca -

  5. Rome, Venice, Pompeii, Sicily...

  6. I would suggest you go to Venice.  There is nothing there that is not picturesque. You should see St. Mark's Square.  Also Verona and Vicenza. Definately Rome. Pretty much anything there. You can't go wrong. You are so lucky. I wish I were you.

  7. Sicily.

  8. A place that is not on many lists is Caserta, it is a very nice place that happens to have the largest palace in Europe built in the 1750's. There is also Caserta Vechio (Old Caserta) up the hill from the palace. There is a Castle there, an old church and bell tower built around 70AD. It had a lot of neat stuff and almost no tourist. If your interested and care about such things, this palace happens to to the palace used in the Star Wars movies on the planet of Naboo. I thought that was kind of cool when I found out. I happen to have been there after filming but before the movie launched. I would also suggest Rome. But lots of tourist from all over the world. I found Florence to have the most English speaking tourist, quite a bit more than Rome. If you have time, near Mount Vesuvius is Pompeii and Ercolano. These cities were buried under a volcano eruption in 71AD and have being excavated for years.

  9. Orvietto = best original gothic church & white wines.

    Assisi= the mystical town

    Terme= near Rome, the best thermal waters in Italy.

    Bologna= Go to the medieval museum & car show.

    Prato= check the textile museum.

    Chianti= the best red wines.

    Verona= Romeo & Juliet town

    Modena= the Formula 1 race place & Ferrari factory.

    Venezia= during Carnevale.

    Rome= Imperial Forums, Colliseum, The Vatican?

  10. I'm from Pisa but living in another country.

    I think "Gabrio" gave you good tips.

    I would suggest some trips,out the normal routes,in Tuscany :

    try to see  close to Lucca,Bagni di Lucca ,famous for the "terme" and his story.

    And discover the ancient churces in the litte villages around there.The "Ville Lucchesi", all around Lucca.

    -S.Gimignano,close to Volterra,"the village of the 100 towers".Taste the "Vernaccia di S.Gimignano"(a very good white wine) and the tipic foods . .

    -Go to Capraia,Giglio Islands in Tuscan Archipelago.

    Discover the "Maremma" (South of Tuscany),Argentario,Bolgheri.

    Populonia,the Etruscans lands.

    There are more places that I know,but for the moment I think I gave you enough tips to roam Tuscany for one year.....

    I hope that you'll enjoy these trips,and,in S.Gimignano,please make a toast to me with a good "bicchiere di Vernaccia".

    Thank you.


  11. Okay, Florence was my favorite, but I see you've got that one covered :)

    I LOVED Rome, it's one of my Top 5 places in Europe. I wanted to see more of Milano but didn't get the chance, I liked Venice a great deal, and I agree with the first answer - go to Sicily. From Firenze it's quite a train ride, but SO worth it. I went in mid-October and it was still very warm. We stayed in Palermo. Excellent seafood (and local food), good, inexpensive shopping - I want to go back SO BAD!

  12. I would say that the 'must go places' are Firenze and Roma.  Since you've already seen all of Firenze, I would say go to Roma.  There is an extrodinary amount of stuff to see there.  If you have lots of time, I would also suggest seeing Vesuvio and the surrounding area from Naples to Sorrento, but that is quite south of where you are.  Venice is also a place you should see if you can.

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