
Where are the best places to travel in Germany? Austria?

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Just give me where you have been, I would really like to hear from people who have actually experienced Germany or German natives. Just tell me your oppinion. I am near fluent in German and I just would like to go and speak it.




  1. In germany there are many places who are really interesting but for me it is always the best to visit kind of popular cities where you can find lots of interesting places! For example





    * Salzburg


    Every city is different and so you can pick the city with the places/atractions you like the most

  2. Garmisch - Partenkirchen is beautiful

    or take the train from there to Innsbruck, then take a train west from Innsbruck to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, very very beautiful scenery.  In the south and Austria, you will encounter somewhat different dialects than the rest of Germany.  A nice posh place to go near Frankfurt am Main in the middle of the country, is Bad Homburg, just a very short trip north of the big city, and the Taunus 'mountains'.  Small towns are usually nicer than the big cities which have become "globalized".  If you want to enjoy big cities though, I'd advise Koln, Bremen, Aachen, Munchen.  Those are really nice and rich in history.  There may be excellent places to go in the former "East" Germany, but I haven't been there yet.

    I also don't know your age, but if you are a young adult under 25, definitely stay at the Jugendherberge,  Youth Hostels, because its good lodging and very inexpensive, and excellent places to practice your conversation and language skills.     Get a Eurail (Youth) Pass to travel efficiently and abundantly without much hassle.

  3. To begin with it is difficult to just pick out a few places and say they are the nicesest.  I've lived in Germany for 20 years and still find great places to visit.  It's just up to what you are looking for.  I live in central Germany where you have the wine vineyards and the Rhein river valley also the Mosel valley between France, Luxembourg.  There are thousands of castles to see.  As for the area I like Hamburg in the north and Garmisch in the south.  The salt mines of Bertchesgaden and Nurnburg is a great place to visit.  Berlin is never boring and is still trying to rebuild after the wall came down.  Around the Bodensee area on the Swiss-Austrian border there's great swimming and hiking.  It doesn't matter where you go there is always great food.  In the north there's fish, in the south there's knodel (I will not try and explain a knodel you have to come here and experience yourself, they're great).  Do some research into what you are looking to do and here in the forum can give you pointers what to do in that city.  I recommend doing the following:  2 days in Hamburg, 2 days in Berlin, 2 days in Munich, 4 days in Garmisch traveling the area looking around from Fussen to Mittenwald to Berthesgaden.  Then travel to Strasbourg to relax for 2 days and end your trip in Frankfurt because it's near the airport  to return home.  Hope the info helps.

  4. Germany:  the BMW plant,

    Austria:  Salzburg - salt mines, Vienna Hapsburgh castles

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