
Where are the classic Trick or treating neighborhoods at, like the ones in the movies?

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You know all those little neighborhoods with kids EVERYEWHERE trick or treating, like in the movie HOCUS POCUS? Where are they? I would really like to go trick or treating at one and it doesn't matter where in the world it is. No one where I live celebrates halloween like they used to, because thats how it used to be, like in the movies. I have looked everywhere on the internet and it can't find them. Do they just not exist anymore?




  1. go to the mall.  or in the church parking lot.  make sure that your trunk lock works in case you see something you like....

  2. My neighborhood is like that.  The streets swarm with kiddies each year.  It's fun but takes a ton of candy!  I make at least 70-80 treat bags each Halloween and I always run out too soon.

  3. elm st

  4. Well, first you must realize that the movies fictionalize everything. There never really were neighborhoods like that. Some neighborhoods do hold fall carnivals or block parties that approach the idealized settings in the movies. Nowadays parents are too nervous about their children to let them roam freely, and hardly anyone knows who their neighbors are let alone trusts them to give candy to their children.

    I go out of my way to decorate the house. But I'm only one house of four on a block of mostly apartments and condos. Last year I got about 200 trick-or-treaters at my door, going by the candy count. But I may give it up. Teenagers have really ruined everything... grabby greedy selfish nutjobs begging for extra candy for their cousin who was too scared, coming back two or more times, or simply "can I take two?" Last year, just as I was closing down, some teens ran by and destroyed the decorations at the front of my property, running off with what they could steal.

    I would say that if such neighborhoods once existed, modern life has shut them down.

  5. ummmm we use to go to those neighborhoods back in the day- we always just called it the "white neighborhoods" no offense to anyone. dependin on where u live just go to the nicest cleanest neighborhood u know of- they seem to always seem to b the place that keeps things original if u kno what i mean  

  6. Part of the problem is that very few communities have "Trick or Treat" on Halloween night anymore.  Most will do it the Saturday or Sunday afternoon BEFORE Halloween.  For those towns that actually still have "Trick or Treat" on Halloween night, they usually run it from 4 - 6 p.m. so the kids are home by dark.

    And yes, there are still many neighborhoods (mine included--Shorewood, WI) that still have lots of trick or treaters!  

  7. Well, I'm not sure but in the movie Hocus Pocus (one of my favourties) it took place in Salem, Massacutcetts otherwise known as the 'witch town'. This nickname is due to the famous Salem Witch Trials in 1692.

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