
Where are the feminists when you need them ?

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Sarah Palin is a successful woman who has achieved alot in her personal and professional life, now she and her daughter are being unfairly attacked. fems: it's time to reassert your legitimacy.




  1. the fact that sarah palin has achieved a great deal in her professional life doesn't mean she speaks for all women or represents how most women feel. that would be akin to saying barack obama represents all african americans or elaine chao reprents all asian americans. the fact is governor palin believes in many anti-feminist ideas. it's really unfortunate that we live in a time where political candidates are basically baptised by fire but to soft pedal her vetting and covering of all her scandals just b/c she's a woman would be wrong. she deserves every bit of scrutinity as any male VP candidate would endure.

    i really wish the media were more kind to her, but let's face it- she's running as a moral "family values" candidate and she has a daughter engaging in pre-marital s*x and has a pregnancy from it. further, there's some charges of misusing the power of her office to take revenge on a state trooper. that's just downright hypocritical.  i really feel for the daughter having to endure all of this in a national spotlight, but when you hold yourself up as a paragon of family virtue you're (and you're family) bound to be looked at more closely than someone who's not.

  2. Feminists don't want anyone to take away their rights, male or female. She happens to be a female, big deal, but all she's achieved is several big steps back for the feminism movement.

    And...what she has achieved in her personal life is being a mom of several children, one of whom is mentally retarded. There are hundreds of thousands of women who have done the same thing. Are they to be admired? Of course. Should we surrender control of our country to every mother of a mentally retarded child? No.

  3. Because she's not a lib and she has actual morals that hard-core feminists are against: like being a soccer mom, keeping children instead of aborting them, equal education, small business owning, making a name for herself, getting married to a person with a p***s instead of v****a, supporting her kids no matter what. Those little things that libs lost sight of a long time ago. Whatever. I'm a female and I absolutely loathed Hillary but love Palin. So sue me.

    -Later Gator-

  4. who is sarah palin?

    im guessing this is american politics or something right?

    i dont live in america, so i wouldnt know,...

  5. Feminists stopped caring about women long ago. They are bought and paid for by the far left and could care less about a non-liberal woman being successful. They are often some of the first people to attack her.

  6. having a v****a does not make her a feminist or worthy of feminist support. she supports anti-women policies

    she is strongly against proper s*x education that works. she is radically pro-life, even in cases of rape and incest, she strongly opposes same s*x marriage and also wants to prevent same s*x couples from recieving health benefits, h**l, she doesn't even support equal pay for equal work.

    feminists do not support her because she is basically a radical, woman hating anti-feminist disguised as a soccer-mom/politician. (hyperbole)

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