
Where are the liberos positioned?

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i know in the back row but are they in the middle back 90% of the time or do they switch from middle to left and right?




  1. A libero can play anywhere in the back row. They do NOT always have to be middle back, or left back or anywhere back row. Libero's are not a substitution. They can go in and out as many times as they please, they only are required to sit out one serve between the people they are switching out. A libero plays ONLY back row. They may NOT play front all their attacks must come from behind the 10 foot line.

  2. Usually, liberos are middle back, but that depends. The libero goes in for whatever back row player is passing the worst, so that could be middle, left, or right. Usually the libero doesn't play right back because the setter is right back. Basicly, the libero goes in back row to play wherever the coach tells them to go.

  3. It depends on who they go in for. Like if your left back is sucking it up, libero might play left back. Or anything you know. Just in the back row playing their lil' hearts out like a LIBERO does. lol.

  4. most of the time they will play middle back but if your coach want you can play year are libero played left back and the rest of the time middle.. but sometimes if someone is playing really bad they will be put in for them.. hope that helps

  5. As far as I remember, the liberos are in the middle back.

  6. Middle right is reserved for your setter if you play 6-2, or your back up setter.

    If your defense goes with center-deep, then your libero should stay center back. If you play 6-2 (your back row center only got 1/2 involved in back row activities, the libero should be center-right-back, leaving your back row hitter in rear-left, unless your back row hitter gets switched to rear-right for a special play.

    In general, your libero should cover the whole back court (while digging part of the front court), with a little help from other players.

  7. In the back row  =)

  8. liberos are always middle back

    they can just check right on in with out haveing to be counted at subs.  also the best digger and passer on the team...usually the smallest.

  9. middle back i think most of the time.

  10. Liberos are your strongest defensive players, and you have the option of placing them in any position in the back row as you see fit.  In many cases, they will be positioned left back, to cover the cross court shot of the opposing team's strong side hitters.

  11. liberos are ment to be your main passer so you push them to 6 or middle  they are also position there because they come on for the middle hitters.

  12. they arent just in the MIDDLE back.

    they go in for the blockers (defense) when they get to the back row.

    the libero can serve or the blocker.

    what ever the coach chooses.

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