
Where are the more Italians in Argentina..Buenos Aires right??? Where is the community?

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Where are the italian people today in Argentina is the culture dying out or is it still alive...For one thing here in USA there isn't as much as Argentina....So where do you find a lot of Italian people in Argentina??




  1. Well, now you will find many italians descendents, but no italians!!. they are everywhere. There are some tipical towns(barrios) where you can find more, like "La Boca" there are a lot of italian descendents, cause used to be an italian town, now the culture is really dying in a general Argentinian culture( very European)

    There are other turistic cities along the Buenos Aires Cost (Costa Atlantica) like Santa Teresita where italian inmigrant used to built their own vacation home and you still can see more concentration of descendents than in other places.

  2. I am not Italian; in fact, I am a Scotsman who lives part-time in Buenos Aires.  I am a casual observer of Argentine culture. You can read more about the history of Argentina and Buenos Aires on my website:

    Interestingly, it may have been an Italian seafarer who first discovered Mar Dulce, the Rio del  la Plata!

    Buenos Aires, as the major port and entrance point for hundreds of thousands of Italian immigrants from the late 19th Century, still has the highest concentration of Portenos (people of the port) with Italian heritage.  Although assimilated and now Argentine, their influence is sign posted throughout the city with monuments, squares - Plaza Italia in Palermo - architecture and food.  Also, Castallano, the Spanish dialect spoken by Argentines has a lot of Italian influences and slang.  In fact, a recent study of the language found the porteno accent closer to Neapolitan Italian than any other language.  

    Over the last 100 years immigrants have spread throughout the country and to other major cities, like Rosario.

    My experience of Argentina tells me that Argentines have a strong sense of being and national identity, and although the signs of immigration are most definitely here, the romanticism and ties with Italy and the past are certainly not as strong in Argentina  as they are in the United States.

    These people left Italy impoverished, fleeing persecution, fascism and war, Argentina promised a better life and although life has been rocky and tumultuous, many Italians were glad to forget their heritage and ties to the past.  In the north of Argentina, they say Portenos are Italians that speak Spanish and think themselves English.

  3. You can check the Club Italiano de Caballito  It's in Avenida Rivadavia 4731 . Greetings :o)  Anyway you can find people Italian talking anywhere...that's sure :o)

  4. the italian and spanish community is intertwined in argentina, creating their own culture. there are so many deep roots of spanish and italians at least 1 in 5 will have some sort of italian if they're traced back

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