
Where are the multibillioners, philanthropists and religious heads ?

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There are starvation deaths in africa , poors are suffering from heavy inflation , there is big problem facing the nations. Where are the helpers?




  1. why worry, when u are there. go out and look after them. god will bless you

  2. Buying 400 foot yachts while saying "let them eat cake."

  3. These elusive Illuminati are concerned with world control and domination, not charity.

    However, we can't just blame all these people for our problems.  Consider the latest news that Leona Helmsley has  left billions to the dogs.  Literally.  Check this out if you can't believe it.

    It is the "little people" like you and me  that save the planet and mankind.  Individual Americans are the most giving and charitable people on earth.  However, proportionally, the US Government is pretty stingy when it comes to aid to other nations.

    So, in answer to your question, they are all in hiding and shunning the limelight.  They come out once a year with cloaks and daggers to participate in the pissing contest  on who makes the Forbes 500.

  4. The present state of world is due to rabid

    ambition of people in politics, business and religion.

    How can you expect them to alleviate the suffering humanity.

  5. There are a number of wealthy philanthropists but not all of them publicise their efforts like old grey-haired former pop stars whose hearts are in the right place but they still want to be in the spotlight on the world stage.

    Money alone doesn't solve the problem 'on the ground'. It's not so much a lack of helpers, medical and emergency supplies or food donations, but the physical inability to get them to those that need relief so urgently.

    In Africa especially, as well as Burma in SE Asia, political corruption is the main problem. Those in control (government or rebel groups) pocket the money and use the food as a political weapon by preventing access by aid agencies and only giving relief to the starving who show support for them or their cause.

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