
Where are the nunchucks from ?

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from what country did it originate from ?




  1. The Nunchaku is from Okinawa, not from China.

    It's easy to mistake it for a Chinese weapon that is similar, and that's where the mistake is made.

    The Nunchaku is not a weapon. It is part of the horse's bridle. The "kon" parts go into the bridle and the "string" goes across the horse's mouth.

    The term "nunchaku" means "restraint", NOT "flail", as it has been misnamed.

    "Restraint" is its function as part of the horse's bridle. It is used to restrain the horse and control it.

    If you look at the original design, the wood is shaped and contoured to the horse's head.

    This design -  - was confirmed by Master Tetsuhiro Hokama, who founded the Okinawa Prefecture Karate and Kobudo museum. Those who know anything about REAL martial arts know about Master Hokama - he is a direct student of Seiko Higa, the ONLY person Chojun Miyagi granted the title of Teacher-Master.

    You can argue the "Chinese origin" all you want. The historical significance confirms its origin.

    Wikipedia is NOT a credible source of info for ANY subject, much less for martial arts.

  2. China i would think since thats where most martial arts came from and that actually used these weapons.

    EDIT: here is what wiki says about history:

    "Although the certain origin of nunchaku is disputed, it is thought to have been brought to Okinawa from China"

  3. To add to what someone else has answered nunchaku were used for harvesting both wheat and rice.  They would fold the stalks over a mat or the side of a basket boat and flail them, knocking the grains off the stalks and onto the mat or into the basket boat.

  4. Nunchaku were farm tools from Okinawa.  When Japan outlawed the use of weapons in Okinawa, the Okinawans had to find a way to still practice their self-defense, so they turned to their everyday tools, such as boat oars, harvesting implements, grain grinding handles and threshing tools.  The threshing tool of common use was the nunchaku, a two-sectioned stick that the farmer held with one hand, and twirled, using the attached section that was freely swinging to strike the stalks, thus separating the grain from the stalk.  This farm tool could be, and can still be, quite lethal in the hands of someone who practices properly.  It, of course, is limited in that it is shorter than a sword or long staff, so people who only had nunchaku to fight against warriors from Japan, who were armed with superior weapons, found that they were usually outmatched.

       Hope this has been of some help to you.  Grandmaster Brian Gray, .

  5. Yeah .... it was China some twenty years ago when people knew that the nunchucks were invented in the early 1900's by a Chinese farmer.  Then Okinawan Karate practitioners laid claim that Okinawa, Japan invented them.  Tomorrow it'll be a "Korean Invention" but in all honesty it is a Chinese invention and yes by a Chinese farmer in the early 1900's.  The chucks were never an ancient weapon .... but just like all martial arts just add water and pooooof!! instant history .... kind of like powered eggs.

  6. They are very similar to the Tabok Tuyok of the Filipino Martial Arts.

  7. im pretty sure they are from china

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