
Where are the photos of Obama smoking?

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Obama is an admitted chain smoker. I would appreciate some links to photos of him smoking. Thanks.




  1. They have been deleted.

  2. They are probably in the same place as those of Laura Bush smoking, or Junior Bush snorting coke or McCain making propaganda films for Communist China and the VC.

  3. I would like to see pictures of McCain hanging out with Cindy doing whatever they were doing while his first wife was at home, before he left her for 17-year-younger Cindy. The man had a marriage license for him and Cindy before going through with his divorce with his first wife. That oughtta energize the ol' christian Republican base, huh??

  4. Who cares if he smokes or not? What would that have to do with anything?

    Where are the photos of John McCain cheating on his wives?  He's an admitted adulterer. Where are the photos?

  5. Who cares?  let's find all the pictures of politicians drinking, you wouldn't have time to look at them all.

  6. I doubt there are pictures of him smoking but I think he quit smoking and who the h**l cares anyway?! Really, is that a reason to vote or not vote for someone?! Laura Bush was supposedly a secret smoker even during the first 4-6 White House years. Also, lots of elected officials smoke cigars.

    Besides, if Obama is an "admitted chain smoker" then he's not trying to hide it is he? I'm sure he's not promoting it either which is why there aren't more pictures around of him smoking.

  7. I thought he quit.  

  8. And a pothead.  

  9. Democrats have probably removed all material to sanitize their candidate for the race. Republicans do the same. Do you have kind of fetish?

  10. What is your big obsession with this? You already asked this yesterday.

    If he admits he smokes then why do you need pictures?

    I'm sure there are alot of people in politics that smoke. We are human right?

    Lets see some pictures of GW snorting coke, or Laura smoking pot, or McCain drinking and his wife popping pills.

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