
Where are the pics of Sarah Palin pregnant with new baby boy?

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I am looking for pics of Palin pregnant and can't find any. I find it strange that she didn't take not one pic in nine months.




  1. Is that all you got?

    Democrats are Sexist.

    I am voting for McCain/Palin 08.

  2. Those photos are none of your business. They are the business of the Palin family. I'm sure - well, reasonably sure - that your mother didn't post pictures of her pregnant belly all over the newspapers and internet.

    You're wallowing into unfounded rumor area. Stick with facts - the number one fact being IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

  3. Why are Palin family pictures of any concern to you?

  4. She most likely often shied away  from the camera because most people don't photograph as well pregnant.

    I think that us talking about her very personal life, like the father of her 17 y/o daughter's baby is ridiculous. Even if Palin was a stay at home Mom who was never employed outside of the home she could not have chosen her daughter's boyfriend. He is just a kid right now, and anything he has said  in a myspace page means almost zero

    The only thing I find odd or qustionable is how can anybody male or female have that many children and give the love and attention that they need and deserve and work at such a demanding job, both which put you pretty much on call 24/7. (My mother had 6 children , and her job was her family, and a very big job I might add when done correctly.)

    Her right but who is getting the short end of the stick,  her family or the American People?

  5. Calling the dark diety Incubus, the god of nightmares and The Celtic Goddess of Terror

    I invoke thee dark god, call thee by name

    Incubus, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour to aid me in my dark deeds.

    I invoke thee dark goddess, call thee by name

    Celtic Goddess of Terror, I call you on this dark hour to aid me in my dark deeds

    Before the night is over

    Before the day is through

    Whatever you have done to others

    Will come right back at you

    Darksome powers of the night

    gather round my candle's flame

    send my enemy in shaded flight

    send my enemy away in shame

  6. Get real. The kid is hers. Move along to the new smear of the day. Even DailyKos can do the math and has changed their position.

  7. Well even she did take pics why would she post them up on the internet? Its not like she has a Facebook or something.  

  8. I got something better.  Your Messiah's wife with anti semite Mrs Farrakhan.

  9. can't find that but I did see the one's with her drinking and kissing girls.

  10. Well, there were several pictures of her at 7 months or so, and she looked pregnant in none of them.

    If Bristol is 5 months pregnant and Trig is 4 months old though, someone had to have been pregnant with the boy.

  11. I don't have any pictures of my wife when she was pregnant with the kids either.  Verboten.   Same with the daughter when she was pregnant with the grandkids.    

  12. She's covering up for her daughter.

    It turns out she wasn't vetted before the announcement.  The FBI did not even interview her.  All she did was fill out a 70 answer questionnaire!  

    My guess is she will be bumped pretty soon...especially when all this other stuff gets out (she had a state trooper fired illegally, etc).

  13. You need to catch up on the rumors.  

    The daughter you claim gave birth 4 months ago is 5 months preggers now.  

  14. Was she supposed to post them for you to see????  Why does it matter anyway...

  15. Another intolerant liberal.  Anyone see the hypocrisy oozing out?  Can we get back to the real issues now... oh right, you libs don't even know what that means.  The whole dang campaign is a shell game.  And you are buying it hook, line and sinker.  See ya in the unemployment line.  I'll be the one pointing and laughing from my car.

  16. Why strange?

    That was months ago. Why would she post pics online of her big preggy belly like Spears and half the 14 yr old girls on Yahoo Answers?

    We can see the baby now.

    What I find strange is the lack of pics or appearances by Obama's family other than Michelle, and the girls, when it serves him?

  17. Um, just b/c she doesnt have pics floating online doesnt mean that she didnt have any pics. Get real.

  18. How convenient that she's exactly 1 month further along to take away doubt. What's to say she's only 3 months along now and they are telling the press otherwise? Just saying people.. It hasn't been a very open and truthful start to the election.

    I wouldn't be shocked it we hear that her daughter had "premature" birth once the baby is born.

  19. strange there is none........thats one fertile 17 year old shes got  


    This was taken one month before the birth. The baby weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. Go figure.


  22.   Where are the pictures of your mother pregnant with you?  If you have some how do we know that you are the baby inside there? Could it be that your mother faked it so that when she stole you from someone else no one would suspect?

       How would you like conspiracy rumors being spread about you?

  23. You people are going over the deep end now.Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder,Get help!!!!

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