
Where are the safest places to be during an earthquake?

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And I was also wondering, how long was the longest earthquake? As in length, how many seconds/minutes?




  1. In the Air on an airplane or outside in an open place away from buildings (tall or not), phone polls, or anything.

    The underwater earthquake that triggered the December 2004, Sumatra Tsunami was the longest earthquake ever recorded, scientists have announced. Most earthquakes last a few seconds or perhaps a minute. The Sumatra quake lasted between 500 and 600 seconds. It's magnitude on the Richter Scale was 6.8

  2. The answer to that question really depends on where you are at the time.  If you are inside, get under a sturdy desk or table.  Running for the door is not safe and running outside in a city with tall buildings is not safe, things can fall from the buildings.  Once the shaking is over you should go outside or to your designated report area if you are at work or school.  If you are in a rural area the safest place is outside and away from electrical lines. Earthquakes are not measured by length of time, they are measured by intensity and magnitude.

  3. In an airplane heading out of the area.  The Mexico City earthquake in the 80's lasted for about 8 minutes.  The Anchorage 1964 quake lasted between 4 and 7 minutes.  The 1811 New Madrid earthquake lasted for 4 days!

  4. In a doorway, under a table, if there is an open area outside with nothing around that can fall on you that's good. Or in a plane

  5. Although there are no guarantees of safety during an earthquake, identifying potential hazards ahead of time and advance planning can save lives and significantly reduce injuries and property damage.

    Six Ways to Plan Ahead -

  6. in an airplane, or open are id assume.

  7. Outdoor.  

    If the first P wave with a good shake following a strong shock without a silent break like the one few days ago, then RUN FOR LIFE, cause it was close to epicenter and didn’t know how strong it would hit 5, 6, 7 or 8.

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