
Where are the typos in Breaking Dawn?

by Guest58668  |  earlier

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I've noticed one major complaint is about Breaking Dawn is that it has typos. As I initally read it quickly I didn't notice any, but I'd like to see what others have found. My copy was bought in the US and is listed as first edition. If you found any, could you list the page number, paragraph, and typo?




  1. I haven't gotten to Breaking Dawn yet, but I saw at least 10 errors/typos in New Moon and I'm at 4 errors/typos (so far) in Eclipse. Wonder why a proofreader didn't catch these...

  2. On page 531 paragraph 2: first sentence has no spaces between the words.

    If you do an online search for "breaking dawn" AND typos, you'll get several sites that discuss these things at length.

    The books is riddled with errors (not just typos) that should have been picked up by an editor. I think they were probably in too much of a hurry to get it to press.

  3. i haven't found typos, but it really annoys me when she write blonde both ways like "blond" and "blonde"  but thats not a big deal

  4. i didn't find any typos...............what are they talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i did love breaking dawn,though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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