
Where are the warriors of peace?

by  |  earlier

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during viet nam people came out in droves and it appears to me that neither side is listening to the people. demand peace now..... those that have marched before you might be older but the principal of peace is still the same..... help those of us who cant help themselves




  1. They are in Iraq, Afghanistan, and any place else our military is deployed.

    Peace through superior fire power.

  2. The warriors of peace had been gone.  The present day citizens tend to tolerate the government acts of invasion of countries hoping that terrorism will be prevented.

  3. Shut up you supercilious hick,you can take peace and shove it...we're at war,the time for 'peace' is long past.They had their chance to be reasonable and pissed it away by attacking us.Only thing that matters now is how many do they want to lose until they're reasonable.

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