
Where are the worlds largest untaped oil supplys?

by Guest62885  |  earlier

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Where are the worlds largest untaped oil supplys?




  1. It's not quite that simple.  There are many types of crude oil (for instance, Saudi Arabia has to import jet fuel oil because it has none of its own).  The fields noted above are on the list, and there is new information that Greenland may have reserves.  It is the cost of oil that determines what is financially feasible to mine--many of what has been noted has been too expensive to explore.  Now that price of oil has racheted upward, those will be mined.

  2. Northern Canada, in the Athabasca Tar Sands

    Clive Mather, chief executive of Shell Canada, said rising demand and surging oil prices could not be resisted. “The deposits are huge, potentially even greater than in Saudi Arabia,” he said. “The time is right to exploit them.”

    The Athabasca tar sands are named after the river that runs through them. They contain about 1.7 trillion barrels of oil, of which 175 billion can be reached with existing technologies and another 135 billion could be tapped with technologies under development.

    The total of 310 billion barrels would give Canada the world’s largest oil reserves – bigger than Saudi Arabia’s 264 billion.


  3. brazil

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