
Where are there brothals in tiajuana,mexico?

by Guest34308  |  earlier

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Where are there brothals in tiajuana,mexico?




  1. Since the issue of prostitute health card checks has been in the Baja newspapers recently, I was curious to research an answer for you, and apparently there really is a whole s*x-tourism trade going on down there. (Obviously, a side of Mexico I've not had reason to see!) Prostitution is technically illegal, but a few years ago, the government threw its hands up and began making prostitutes carry health cards with an electronic chip that can be scanned to make sure that they are doing their monthly medical checks.  

    At any rate, I had only ever heard of a place called Anthony's in Ensenada, so I did a little search for info on Tijuana and found this page:

    A word to the wise, though:  Tijuana has been experiencing a lot of drug-related violence (shootings and kidnappings) recently, and although it hasn't been aimed at tourists, you'd be wandering into a less than family-style establishment, so be very careful.  I'd go so far as to suggest that you consider going down to Ensenada instead, as it is much safer.


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