
Where are these kids parents?

by  |  earlier

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I understand that times have changed and whatnot.. But, I am seeing more and more 10-12 year olds answering questions on here. I'm 21, and I know that when I was 10 years old, I may have been playing some type of dumb game on my old, slow computer, or emailing my family from AOL, but I was never really left unattended on the computer with access to different sites. Not that Yahoo Answers is a bad site, per say, but, this goes along with the Myspace issues too. You have to be 14 to set one up, but, I know a lot of kids set them up anyway and just lie about their age. Yes, I have a myspace and all that jazz, but I'm also not 10. So, my question is this.. Where are these kids parents?

I don't want any negative responses on this either, I just want some different views/opinions.




  1. my view is that its ok for them to go on the net like this on yahoo answer or on face book just monitor them often and teach them about internet safety that means like don't talk to strangers what wants to meet you. If you have kids who wants to talk to people online thats ok just make sure that they don't give out personal details like where they live and such and such. it is important to teach kids about the dangers of the net and some safety guidelines to follow

  2. There are a lot of parents who don't know how to use the computer or the internet. They are not aware of all the harm that might be done to their young children--and they think their children are safe because they have "good" kids.

    These are the same parents that come to schools and say "my child would never....." because they think they have perfect kids. They also allow their kids free access to the TV and movies, and so their young kids are watching all kinds of things on tv and the internet and then repeating them at home and school.

    I agree that it is time for parents to figure it out and find out where there kids are online.

  3. Probably at work and unaware. Today, both parents have to be at work to make the money necessary to live. And because it is summer and school is out, many kids are at home, with babysitters or at a friends house, probably with less supervision than they require.

    You're right, it really is not a bad site per se, and there are much worse. So on the flip side, its a good thing there are some kids out there who are coming to this site and not going on all the other junk you can find on the web.

    What really irks me more than supervision-less internet is walking to my car after a concert in philadelphia and seeing children age ten and below riding their bikes and tricycles at some ungodly hour. where are THOSE parents?!

  4. I dont get it either. Granted, I'm 16, myself. But when I was 10, I spent time outside. I didnt have an MSN account until I was 12. I didnt even have Facebook until I was 15, and my friend set it up for me. I still dont have a myspace.

    I think it's one of the causes of obesity also. I'm on here a lot (more in the summer) but I'm also very active. Kids who sit and play on the computer or watch TV all day long just arent well. I have kids in my grade who do this and they are extremely pale and look confused when they walk out into the sunlight.

    I find it sad.

  5. not all parents watch their kids 24/7

    kids posting on yahoo answers is nothing compared to them chatting it up with grown people on messengers or surfing p**n sites

    it happens this is the world we live in

  6. I wonder that too.  There is no way I would allow my daughter to have unmonitored access to the internet at that age.

  7. well personally i intend to teach my child how to be safe online, i do NOT intend to hover over my kid's shoulder when he's online... if parents are too protective it just causes other problems... children sneaking or hiding things from you or just not being prepared once they do have the freedom

  8. I was thinking about posting a question similar to this!!!

    Also- another thing that gets me, is why are all these 12 year olds coming to the parenting section, and then ANSWERING parenting questions!!! I mean, really!

    I am hesitant about posting any questions, because I realize that more than likely, the people who answer my question would more that likely be all under the age of 16!

    I would like to see Yahoo Answers get a kids a Yahoo Answers, kids only, and/or teens only! It is awkward posting an "adult" question- (and by that I  DO NOT mean anything dirty), and then having a child respond!

    I know when my kids get to be the age of computer using, I will have parental controls set on my computer!!!

    -That is another thing, Parents (if they even care) can monitor the history on their internet to see where the kids have been searching all day....I guess most parents don't care though....

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