
Where are these nonsense arguments against swearing coming from?

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Yes of course strictly speaking and with impecable logic swearing CAN always be avoided but does this mean that it HAS to be avoided? Of course not. The second part of the first sentence above is much superior in it's logic. Can some people not see this? And then there are tha accusations of limited vocab. So the swearer in the heat of the moment has no interest in searching for dainty and elegant language. What stupid ignorant people anti-swearers are. How insensitive and lacking in understanding they are. Swearing is bad, full stop, end of story. Where does this absolutism come from? I'm a great swearer but I will always negotiate boundaries with people with hang-ups about swearing. (They are hang-ups because they cannot properly be explained). Sorry for the insults but this subject gets me very angry. Your views please.




  1. I pepper a lot of my speech with swearing, mainly around people I think very little of, which, ironically, makes them think very little of me (which they have no right to do). Because it's easier and I'm indolent. At the same time, there are people are care a lot about whom I want to swear a lot in front of, because I want them to get used to it, I don't want anyone I respect to get offended by a mere word on its own. The problem with the anti-swear brigade is that not only do they wish to keep swearing from becoming passé, they actually think there is venom behind every swear. Perhaps this is upbringing. Upbringing and fear of transcending life's boundaries, living one's life by external and anachronistic etiquette.* They are scum, worse than scum, but I will refrain from swearing for the moment. They are the truly unrefined ones, because they don't want to hone offensiveness to a fine art, they just want to keep it in the realm of swearing.

    *You're questioning of "Why does it have to be avoided?" shows you are not being constrained by such forces. It is wrong in absolute terms - again, ever thought why? Beat it by doing it on overkill.

  2. Swearing is a method of release without inflicting harm onto another.  Although some folks will claim that its shocking to their ears, these are the same ones who tell you that they have wonderful children and a wonderful husband.  But when you go to their home and stay for a couple of days, their children are the demons and their husbands are having affairs.  I have mistakenly said a curse word in front of children before but quickly excused myself because its just bad manners to show your frustration in front of young ears.  I don't really want to get to know somebody that closely, either.  Its the same as walking into someone's bathroom and you get to see the bras hanging and the extra packets of condoms. Its tacky.

  3. i believe that if a word is in the dictionary, then it can be used without limitation, therefore i swear like a trooper!!!!!!!!!

  4. Swearing shows lack of breeding and vocabulary. It demonstrates the vulgarity of the person whose language is thus afflicted with awkward crudity.

  5. The arguments are silly, some 'swear' words are good old english words.

    The use of the f word as every other word in a sentence shows ignorance, though no more than the excessive use of 'basically' and d'you know what I mean?'.

    Spare me 'at the end of the day' too!

  6. Swearwords are, after all, only words, but it is in which context they are meant.I must say though, I do swear, and I know it does,nt sound good, but its a habit one gets in I suppose, but I must add, I watch what company I am In when swearing lol.

  7. It depends, I swear (oh can I swear) but there is a time and a place. I personally do not like swearing for the sake it, however I was out with the girls one night and after several wines in a pub after 9pm a mother told us off for swearing as I said to her if this was 3am on a Sunday afternoon I would watch my language but not at 9pm and a Friday night in an adult space. However it also depends on the words, I can not bare the C word. Each to their own.

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