
Where are we going? British Politics?

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I see the headlines in the papers. I check the details and find the headlines are misleading or half truths. I hear pople who are taken in by all this, and see "news" papers slowly turning into a modern "Die Stürmer". Is the UK going the same way as 1930's Germany or are we somehow going to see sense and see through the lies?




  1. The pilot seems blissfully unaware that we are in a very rapid nosedive.Will someone else please grab the controls before we crash into the ground.

  2. Just remember that newspaper headlines are to sell the newspaper, not necessarily to report the facts dispassionately. TV news reporting is increasingly about the editor's or presenter's agenda. I suggest you read a cross section of quality press, including the weekly magazines like "This Week" and make up your own mind. It is not the country following a pattern, but the press and their 3rd rate reporting.

  3. Headlines are there to attract the reader. All news, in whatever medium, is subject to some editorial bias.For my part, I wish for a government which will lay off the surveillance stuff like National ID cards, which won't help one bit against terrorism, and will take positive steps towards securing the nation's energy future and seeking an equitable solution towards the problems which will face pensioners from the private sector in the years to come.

  4. An interesting question which would be more interesting if you could give an example or two.

  5. Uk press just the same as you report bearing mind that most people read the views of Rupert Murdoch and swear by them in papers not worth toilet paper.

    It is difficult to measure how much of what people read in our awful press they believe but it seems like about 90% particularly when certain subjects are reported.

  6. Sadly the UK, along with much of Europe has become very liberal, secular, and socialist. The media in the UK, particularly the BBC, is just as untrustworthy as most of the media in America. The media is overwhelmingly liberal in both the UK and the USA.

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